Hi, have the problem that the API key dont work,
i download the open source from volibot, at the beginning the open source work fine (wanted open source because my own easy gui) and but now API error.
Any idea??
request: Auto Queue bot 07/24/2015 - General Gaming Discussion - 3 Replies i was thinking if one of you programmers could make an auto queue bot for battlefields ( specialy the capture the flag one )
Auto join BG queue bot 10/28/2007 - WoW Bots - 3 Replies Hello , Somebody knows a bot to join automatically the BG Queue ?. thank you in advance ^^
Anti-AFK, Auto Queue BG's Bot for WoW 02/18/2007 - WoW Bots - 2 Replies I'm just looking for a bot that can keep me from going AFK and auto enters BG.. grinding honor is getting boring :\ I've been searching here but I don't understand German well (few words but barely enough to really make much out).
Anti-AFK, Auto Queue BG's 09/26/2006 - WoW Exploits, Hacks, Tools & Macros - 0 Replies Now.
-------------------Never Go AFK-------------------
(works great in AV and also if you just don't wanna go afk)
Here are Step-by-step fool proof instructions on how to do this.
First - Goto www.autoitscript.com and download V3.1.1.
Second - Create a note pad file and add this code to it.