Discussion on [Release]Fulcrum Tool Helper [Auto update, Minimizer, Errors Detection...etc] within the League of Legends Hacks, Bots, Cheats & Exploits forum part of the League of Legends category.
Hey, I just want to release my little tool! it helps some i think, as you can edit the time of the minimize settings, it automatic update the bot if there is new version release and detect some of known errors that freeze the bot and restart the bot!
[How to use]
1)Extract the rar file in the same Fulcrum's folder.
2)Make sure that the path of lol in Fulcrum.exe.config the last character is "\".
3)Run from Auto Update.exe as administrator.
Version :
Fixed some errors.
Added new option to restart the bot for all kinds of Error shows (Crashes).
Added some more checks.
Fixed timer4 error, crashing bot.
Added clear button for clearing the texts.
Added some more checks for Restarter.
Added Start and Stop for bot!
For More better and nice free Releases, Please Press Thanks!
Updated :
Fixed some errors.
Added new option to restart the bot for all kinds of Error shows (Crashes).
Added some more checks.
Fixed timer4 error, crashing bot.
Added clear button for clearing the texts.
Added some more checks for Restarter.
Added Start and Stop for bot!
[Release] Elite Helper Tool by fuso98 08/10/2013 - DarkOrbit - 17 Replies Hi to all community.
This is a free (and will be always free) tool for darkorbit.
- Autolock (SHIFT)
- Ammo mixer
- Roket launcher
- ECO launcher
- Auto switch configuration
[Release] Professional Helper Tool - Rebirth 03/11/2013 - DarkOrbit - 289 Replies Professional Helper Tool - Rebirth
Invisible players are visible for you
Red square over enemies on the minimap
Auto collect of bonus boxes
Camouflage via hotkey
Select/shoot enemies or NPCs via Hotkey (Auto lock)
immediately shoot back when you are attacked
[Release] Professional Helper Tool 08/21/2012 - DarkOrbit - 170 Replies Features:
Unsichtbare Spieler werden alle sichtbar (mit "getarnt"-Titel)
Gegnerische Spielerschiffe werden auf der Minimap mit orangem Balken versehen
Bonusboxen werden automatisch aufgesammelt
Tarnmodul per Hotkey kaufbar
Feinde per Hotkey auswählbar
sofortiges Zurückschießen bei feindlichem Beschuss
sofortiges Auswählen eines Feindes z.B. bei Torsprung
NPCs (z.B. im GG) werden autom. ausgewählt/abgeschossen
[Release] Professional Helper Tool - Restart 02/03/2012 - DarkOrbit - 96 Replies Since I recently came back to DO. I found out, that there has been a protocol change, so I am working on a new PHT.
Since it is the first version, everyone can try it.
Please post any bugs.
Features (everything has been implemented):
[Request] SRO minimizer/maximizer tool 11/30/2010 - SRO Private Server - 2 Replies i would liek to ask such a program as : SIntHax , which is program to minimize/hide sro , i would like to hide such programs as sro-db bot and srproxy .. cause all the time someone sits on the pc and turns that off. .and bot > >DC.
This tool maybe will be useful not for me .