UNI-BOT [Version 1.5] [Update 3] = Freeware
Status: [Uni-Bot Version Release Version 1.5] Safe and Works for all Games (use at your own risk)
Uni-Bot need ".Net Framework 3.5" or higher on your system because it use Windows API Functions.
Uni-Bot is a Bot for all Games all Functions are Random.
Uni-Bot works on all Screen Size and all games you only need to set the settings.
Now at version 1.5 Release dont need activ Window for a lot of Games.
English Video Tutorial
If you cant play the Video Tutorial take the direct link to youtube page it will work.
Sorry for my really bad english....
German Video Tutorial
Deutsches Video Tutorial bin dabei welche zu erstellen
The 3 New Functions with "Control" works for a lot of Games.
**"Function ControlClick" It is like "MouseClick" but better it do NOT need aktiv Window and with target one Window
**"Function ControlSend" It is like "Send key..." but better it do NOT need aktiv Window and with target one Window
**"Function CSend Chat" It is like "Send Chat" but better it do NOT need aktiv Window and with target one Window
*"Function Send Chat" it take one sentence random from a text file, and write it in the game like a Human (you can easy modify the text file)
*"Function Send Key (A/W/D)" it simulate the A W D Key to move in the Game like a noob Human it is also Random you can easy modify
*"Function Mouseclick" You can take 3 or 5 or 7 mouseclicks its a Loop and it is also Random like a Human
[A little Coordinate Tool i take it into the bot to get easy X Y Coordinate]
*"Function Hide" UniBot is hide at the Taskmanager and at 4 system levels more (i take a dll file to hide my UniBot)
Easy to use
set your settings for your Game and click the save Button
F5 Key [Start "ControlClick" Function]
F6 Key [Start "ControlSend***Action Key" Function]
F7 Key [Start "ControlSend***Move Key" Function]
F8 Key [Start "CSend Chat" Function]
F10 Key [Start "Send Key (A/W/D)" Function]
F11 Key [Start "Send Chat" Function]
F12 Key [Start "MouseClick" Function]
Pause Key [Hotkey to Pause all Functions]
Important for games like league of legends press key (the Functions you need) F5,F6,F7,F8,F10,F11 and F12 Key before you start the lol game, or you minimize the lol game and press key (the Functions you need) F5,F6,F7,F8,F10,F11 and F12 and then go into the lol game and it will work.
Error Found
*Some Games blocks ControlClick and ControlSend Function i try to fix it.
(still you can use MouseClick and Send Function this works 100% for all games)
FIXED Error and Function Update
* Add an English Video Tutorial
* Add new Zip file to download (dont get extract error)
-----------19.1.2014 "Update 1"-------------
* to improve Send Function (Add 10 Action keys)
* Error fixed (Exit Uni-Bot)
* to improve Mouseclick Function
* Add Mouseclick "Click-Count" option
* to improve "Send Chat" Function
* change Logo (Transformers style)
* change Icon (Transformers style)
* to improve start Uni-Bot
* Reload Error Fixed
* Add new Zip file to download
-----------1.2.2014 "Update 2"-------------
* add Gui Scrollbar
* to improve MouseClicks Function (focus one window)
* add "option" MouseClicks Function (focus all windows)
* add "option" after every MouseClicks send a key (optional)
* to improve after every MouseClicks send a key (focus one window or all windows)
* GUI modify
* to improve "Send Key Function" (focus one window or all windows)
* to improve "Send Chat Text Function" (focus one window or all windows)
* to improve the full Uni-Bot Code
* to improve (Uni-Bot performance) CPU Usage 1%
* Fixed some error
* Add new Zip file to download
-----------6.2.2014 "Update 3"-------------
* add "3 send key after every MouseClick" (optional)
* add "1 send key before every MouseClick" (optional)
* add option for MouseClick Function Activate Window (optional)
* add option for Send Key Functions Activate Window (optional)
* add option for Send Chat Function Activate Window (optional)
* Add new Zip file to download
Future Function for Uni-Bot V2.0
****"Tell me what you want for version 2.0"****
* Function to save more than one profile
* Function Pixelsearch & PixelClick
* Easy login into every game and start a game without MouseClick
* Attack some target (for all games) [this you can do at version 1.5 easy with the ControlClick and ControlSend Function]
* Memory write (for zoom hack or ather memory hacks)
* Multiple Clients
FAQ & Error
Information for LOL Game Player:
I try it with LOL Game window mode but sometimes send keys and sometimes mouseclicks on a button (as a recall button) dont work this because of the new LOL anti-cheat-software.
But you can still use unibot for LOL game as a AFK Bot or stay at a lane etc but you can NOT do complex commands for LOL Game.
(I try to fix that for LOL Game,... and sorry for fail)
For all ather Games you can do Complex Commands.
If you need help or you get error post it here and say which system you have and what error.
If you need more Functions post it here i write it into the next version.
And i get only 2 alert from 47 scans and this is because of the hide dll function but dont worry it is 100% clean
This are my "OLD" Settings for league of legends now you have more options, make it better if you like
Important: Download the new Fixed Version from Uni-Bot at the first Post from this Thread. (Uploaded 19.1.2014)
My Settings for league of legends it is not perfect but good.
1. extract and replace "Textdatei Folder" to your Uni-Bot Folder
C:\....\....\....\Unibot 64 Bit Fixed Version 1.5\UniScFile
C:\....\....\....\Unibot 32 Bit Fixed Version 1.5\UniScFile
2. Start a game with league of legends
3. In the game change resolution to 1024x768 (window mode)
4. start Uni-Bot with my settings press F5, F12, F10, and F9 and go into the LOL Game finish.
Now it will all the time buy something and go into jungle and attack some mobs. After the game is finish, Uni-Bot will start a new game (it click on the "Playe Again Button")
Important: Function ControlClick >>> CC4 >>> here you can change which champion take because i set the ControlClick4 on "Random take a Champion Button"
Note: If your internet browser get open all the time, use the "SmallTools" Function, every time if internet Browser Exist it will exit.
Note: I use for my settings
+ ControlClick Function in "LOL Client window"
+ Mouseclick Function in "LOL Game window"
+ Send Key Function (Action key and Move key)
Detailed what my settings do click on spoiler...
If Uni-Bot dont work
* Uni-Bot need ".Net Framework 3.5" or higher on your system because it use Windows API Functions.
* Run as Administrator
* Check your Antivirus Programm
Download Version 1.5 Release (you need a password to extract the zip file)
Important you need the right Bit version to get the successfully hide function.
The Version 1.5 it is bigger than 10 MB and at EPVP i can not upload,
i uploaded to Zippyshare you can downloaded it easy.
If you have a 32Bit system
If you have a 64Bit system
Click Thanks if you like UniBot and dont click it if you dont like.