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How to get Challenger (Mid oriented)

Discussion on How to get Challenger (Mid oriented) within the League of Legends Guides & Strategies forum part of the League of Legends category.

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How to get Challenger (Mid oriented)


I am an pretty high elo player myself (Chall 400lp) and i thought to make a guide to getting chall (atleast Masters) by mainly playing Mid lane, in other guides i have talked about getting high elo by jungling

Lets get straight into it;


Get minimum of 75 cs per 10 min. Harass enemy laner when he is CSing, or its a free harass for you. Sacrificing CS to save health, its totally okay to miss some CS in order to save health and get more CS afterwards.

Farming is a slow and steady way for you to get an advantage and win lane. Mastering this ensures you to always be ahead in the laning phase, tbh no one can farm in lower elo. You get a lot of gold by CSing so be sure to practice this in custom games until it becomes easy.


Try to look for trades when it is favored for you, and you can get advantage from it and exploit it. For example you are Zed against Fizz and you W-E-Q combo fizz down to 60% health, you can now push the lane and try to look for roam/turret dive OR if the minion wave is pushing to you, you can freeze it and zone enemy Fizz from the CS.

Trading is an easy way to get an advantage and snowball it even further ahead.

Remember to just play safe and farm, if the matchup isnt favored for you or the enemy is stronger.

Jungle Pressure

Always try to co-operate with your jungler, if you see that he's playing aggressive and counterjungling you should be looking to kill the enemy jungler with him, get deep vision, look for roams.

Try to play your lane towards your jungler, when you do this he can help you more easily when you get engaged on.

Pregame Analysis

When you are in loading screen, look through your laning phase and the advantages and disadvantages of it, your team comp and enemy team comp. Your win condition, enemy's win condition.

When you do this, you now know what to do and you are ready to do it.

If you execute everything i discussed perfectly, you dont have to have "amazing" mechanics. Just play it smart and you will get that desired elo!


You always need to adapt to the current game. For example if you are weaker than your lane opponent, just play it safe and wait for your powerspikes. Then play more aggressive and look for plays.

So if you were playing Malphite top against Teemo, ofcourse you wouldnt play aggressive. You would farm early levels and try to look for jungle ganks after lvl 6. After this you try to TP gank other lanes, and look for teamfights since they are your strong point.

Wave Management

You need to always try to look for managing the minion wave in your favor. You practice this by learning it, watching pros do it. This is actually very HUGE, if the minion wave is in your favor most of the time you should be winning your lane heavily. You force enemy to miss cs, meanwhile cashing in all the cs for yourself and managing the minion wave position. It helps a lot with avoiding enemy jungle/setting up jungle ganks.

Pushing the wave, pulling the wave

When you should push the wave?

Pushing wave = lane pressure (roaming opportunities, vision control, helping your jungler, more free trading)

Why is pushing the wave bad?

Opens your lane for jungle ganks.

Why is pulling the wave good?

Safety, now you can freeze the lane and never get ganked pretty much (only way is turret dive)

Why is pulling the wave bad? CS. No opportunity to roam and help jungler. Get harassed under turret etc

What determines what is the best option?

The matchup.

: Understand the matchup, and determine your strategy from that. Pushing is generally a good idea. There are certain instances where you dont want to push.

Vision Control

Always remember to get that juicy vision control, if you are ahead you can place more aggressive wards and exploit them, invade enemy jungle, countergank enemy jg, track enemy jungler a lot easier. If you are behind you need to place defensive wards in order to protect your lanes/jungle so you wont get ganked.

Remember to deny enemy vision control aswell, this is a MUST in objectives such as dragon/baron. Bring your pink wards there.

Denying enemy vision is a big part of the game, when you deny it u can set up picks, traps, gank more freely and take objectives easier.

Tracking the enemy JG

So first of all lets start with tracking the enemy jungler as this is extremely important. You need to be in enemy junglers head all the time, predict where he will be and where he will gank. The way you do is that you just practice it until it comes your second nature.

Easy way to begin it with is to check whether enemy jg actually started red or blue, u know this by looking at enemy laners. So if botlane comes to lane late u know automatically that they leashed and their jungler started botside right?


Try to always roam to the lane that is the most suspectible to ganks, for example if enemy botlane had Leona and MF, and your botlane had Taric Ashe, you could easily gank that lane and get a free double kill.

Always gank the lane that is the most easy to gank, and the one u have most CC to work with.

Its usually a good idea to gank a lane thats ahead already, so he will just get even further ahead and the game becomes alot easier!

Discord Crossboosting#3679, I do coaching and eloboosting aswell.
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Old 02/26/2018, 19:05   #2
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good job bro i'm agree with most of this things
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Old 03/25/2018, 15:28   #3
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Wow, cool tips
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Old 03/27/2018, 19:45   #4
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Certainly not a guide that will get you straight to challenger, but solid basics
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Old 04/27/2018, 15:31   #5
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Good guide right there,stuffs major part of players should know,not only challengers XD
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Old 04/28/2018, 20:27   #6
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It will help me with afk jungle and 0/12 bot lane ?
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Old 07/13/2018, 13:54   #7
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Not bad, good job. @
Everyone has teams like that. The trick is to carry anyways or you are not worth higher elo.
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Old 08/14/2018, 01:31   #8
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It helped me to climb. I think mindset and focusing on my own job are the most important.
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Old 09/15/2018, 01:22   #9
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this guide can get you out of silver
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Old 09/22/2018, 15:30   #10

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Originally Posted by Vehem View Post
Not bad, good job. @
Everyone has teams like that. The trick is to carry anyways or you are not worth higher elo.
Biggest bullshti ever. There are some games you cant win.
But what i also have to say is, most people give up a lot of winable
games as well so dont give up to fast :P
The thing is, you can for sure win more than enough to climb
and thats all you need. No one gets more tthan 50% of games
uncarryable =)
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Old 09/23/2018, 11:30   #11

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Originally Posted by wurstbrot123 View Post
Biggest bullshti ever. There are some games you cant win.
But what i also have to say is, most people give up a lot of winable
games as well so dont give up to fast :P
The thing is, you can for sure win more than enough to climb
and thats all you need. No one gets more tthan 50% of games
uncarryable =)
Hows there 96% wr master players then?
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Old 09/23/2018, 16:47   #12
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Great guide, people should definitely practice these.
I think u could also add that you need to get item and level advantage, not just vs your lane opponent but vs the whole enemy. Then how to handle that advantage and end the game fast.
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Old 10/02/2018, 12:26   #13
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Great Guide,people should focus on the game more !
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Old 10/05/2018, 15:31   #14
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Good guide thanks
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Old 11/06/2018, 00:57   #15

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Originally Posted by Rouvesta View Post
Hows there 96% wr master players then?
You should reread my sentence.
Guess it would have been easier to understand if i wrote
"uncarryable games" instead of games uncarryable
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