Suche bronze accs 01/18/2014 - League of Legends - 3 Replies hihi ich suche bonze acc für mich und mein freund :D wollen sie elo trollen wen einer was hat bitte melden danke
[Buying] Bronze accs 12/06/2013 - League of Legends Trading - 2 Replies Hey looking for bronze accs(euw) add me in skype: Tazomani
[Selling] Cheap EUW bronze accs 11/28/2013 - League of Legends Trading - 0 Replies 2.EUW - Bronze 3 account
-5 Euro
-Buccaner tristana skin
3.EUW - Brozne 4 account
-2Rune pages
-5 Euro
[Selling] EUNE/EUW 5 Euro Bronze accs 11/21/2013 - League of Legends Trading - 1 Replies Im sellign EUW/ EUNE Bronze accounts for only 5 euro add me skype
edi.emilov if you are intrested.
[Selling] 2 EUNE accs lvl 30 / bronze 10/06/2013 - League of Legends Trading - 0 Replies Hello,
I have 2 EUNE accounts to sell.
Bronze IV - 24 Champions - 0 skins ( 140 RP / 3733 IP)