- Start with Doran's Blade for a damage boost or Shoes and 3 potions for a better resistance
Buy a Vampiric Scepter for better lifestealor upgrade the shoes to Magic Resist Shoes or Armor Shoes if you have enemies that harass you.
Buy Bloodthirster and start building Phantom Dancer for a better farming.
Start building both Ravenous Hydra and Statikk Shiv for a truckload of crit and damage.
If the enemies are harassing you easily build a Randuin's Omen and Thornmail for AD Champs and Malmotius Jaw/Guardian Angel for AP Champs
For the AP Master Yi:
- Start with Doran's Ring and 2 potions for a damage boost and a good resistance.
Buy Shoes that will be later upgraded to Sorcere's Shoes for a good magic penetration.
Start building Liandry's Torment for magic penetration and AP boost.
Build Hextech Gunblade for a good Spell Vamp and AD&AP boost.
Build Deathfire Grasp for Cooldown Reduction and AP boost
Last but not least,build Rabadon's Deathcap for AP huge boost or you can buy Void Staff for a better magic penetration.
Why AD Master Yi?:
Master Yi AD is and extremely good pusher/backdoorer that can save a game just by tanking in enemy turret and then killing some creeps for regaining his life back.I recommend AD Master Yi for solo-top and jungle roles.
Why AP Master Yi?:
Master Yi AP deals a huge damage from his spells,but not from his hits.Also,he has the W which is mega OP when Master Yi has a high AP.I recommend AP Master Yi for mid role and solo-top role as he has a great chance of surviving.
Note:This tutorial is made for S3 Lol Aatrox Patch.Builds may vary depending on player's style of playing.Reader discretion advised.
Give me a Thanks if this helped you out.