[Hot] Item/adena Copy/dupe L2Off God>Valiance>Ertheia [Hot] 02/25/2022 - Lin2 Guides & Templates - 6 Replies Proof,
Read this, Notice of Enforcement Action - Lineage II Forums same program was used, but on retail it has been patched.
Tried on most famous L2OFF GOD>Valiance>Ertheia and it still works there!
Hello guys , I'd like to share with you one intresting dupe.
In what we need?
[Hot] Item/adena Copy/dupe L2Off God>Valiance>Ertheia [Hot] 11/05/2014 - Lin2 Exploits, Hacks, Bots, Tools & Macros - 1 Replies Proof,
Read this, Notice of Enforcement Action - Lineage II Forums same program was used, but on retail it has been patched.
Tried on most famous L2OFF GOD>Valiance>Ertheia and it still works there!
Hello guys , I'd like to share with you one intresting dupe.
In what we need?
[Hot] Item/adena Copy/dupe L2Off God>Valiance>Ertheia [Hot] 11/02/2014 - Lin2 Private Server - 0 Replies Proof,
Read this, Notice of Enforcement Action - Lineage II Forums same program was used, but on retail it has been patched.
Tried on most famous L2OFF GOD>Valiance>Ertheia and it still works there!
Hello guys , I'd like to share with you one intresting dupe.
In what we need?