There you go;
Without any drops
08-01-2020, 14:36:22 Nksp.exe benchmark completed, 2902 frames rendered in 11.313 s
Average framerate : 256.5 FPS
Minimum framerate : 231.7 FPS
Maximum framerate : 265.5 FPS
1% low framerate : 9.4 FPS
0.1% low framerate : 9.4 FPS
With drops
08-01-2020, 14:37:34 Nksp.exe benchmark completed, 2086 frames rendered in 9.859 s
Average framerate : 211.5 FPS
Minimum framerate : 183.9 FPS
Maximum framerate : 223.1 FPS
1% low framerate : 7.9 FPS
0.1% low framerate : 7.9 FPS
There were 41 Garfner Dual Sword's on the ground. Also it's highly unlikely to even get close to 41 drops on the ground on an x2 Server. Items also despawn after one minute has passed.
And despite there being so many drops, I didn't notice anything different from before.
You also have to remember that you will need quite a while to kill one of these mobs. I was able to recieve ONE Grafner Dual Sword after like 4 mobs with x1 + Lucky Scroll. (basically a drop rate of x2)
And I don't know if you knew, but there are not 40 mobs lined up side by side. (especially since those specific mobs only exist 36 times, at least in my database)
I hope you can now understand how impossible it will be for you to 1.) have these numbers of drops and 2.) ever seeing those performance drops while farming anything in such an high level range is also near impossible.
You'd see a lot of performance going down though if you go to Juno Center, Arena or Castle Sieges with a lot of players being there obviously. But those PvP places shouldn't even be as bad as one any other server, because there is no 100% cooldown, which basically means you don't have 30 clerics that each put an effect onto every player in the party.
Anyways, I wish y'all good luck and have fun with this server here.