Website/purchase link:
Discord: .notblind
More contact links and Discord/Telegram servers are on the website
System requirements
* CPU: Intel / AMD;
* OS: Windows 10 (from 1903), Windows 11
- Enable
- Always
- Target Players
- Target Zombie
- Target Dummy
- Draw FOV Border
- Draw FOV Background
- Draw FOV Target
- Bone (Head, Neck, Body, Pelvis)
- Keybind
- Smooth
- Distance
Players ESP
- Box (Box, Corner, Box 3D)
- Box Filled (Static, Gradient)
- Line (Middle Top, Middle Down, Center)
- Health Bar (Static, Health Based, Gradient)
- Skeleton
- Distance
- Nickname
- Rendering distance
Zombie ESP
- Glow
- Box (Box, Corner, Box 3D)
- Box Filled (Static, Gradient)
- Line (Middle Top, Middle Down, Center)
- Skeleton
- Distance
- Nickname
- Rendering distance
Dummy ESP
- Glow
- Box (Box, Corner, Box 3D)
- Box Filled (Static, Gradient)
- Line (Middle Top, Middle Down, Center)
- Health Bar (Static, Health Based, Gradient)
- Skeleton
- Distance
- Nickname
- Rendering distance
Items ESP
- Enable
- Show Distance
- Battle Mode
- Keybind
- Rendering distance
- Weapon Pistol
- Weapon Rifle
- Weapon Shotgun
- Weapon Sniper
- Weapon Crossbow
- Weapon Other
- Grenades
- Interactive Object
- Boxes
- Traps
- Skills
- Drones
- FPS Limit
- Menu Language
- Menu Keybind
- Unload Keybind
- Crosshair Enable
- Crosshair Style
- Crosshair Size
- Crosshair Thickness