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Khadgar Mage Skin

Discussion on Khadgar Mage Skin within the Hearthstone Trading forum part of the Other Online Games Trading category.

Old   #1
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Post Khadgar Mage Skin

Hey everyone,

New to the site and hoping to contribute in the HS trade market.
I am from Korea and was able to take advantage of the recent sale (which has now ended) for the Khadgar hero skins. For those that do not know, these codes are region-free and is redeemable on accounts in The Americas, Europe, and Asia (except mainland China).


The price is $16 USD per code if sent with Paypal or bank balance.
If purchased with a debit/credit card via Paypal $17 (fees suck)

I have about ~100 give or take codes.

How to Redeem

Just go to , enter in the code, and hit redeem code. It's as easy as that!

Note: Code Expires on November 11, 2017

Payment Method

Paypal - "Send to friends and family in the US" option
Send payments to:

(Please refrain from using credit or debit cards as there will be fees associated with those transfers. If that is the only method of transfer for you, the purchase price is $17)

Method of Delivery

Please leave your email in the payment note, and it will be delivered to that email usually within a hour. At the longest, maybe 6-7 hours (cause of sleep).

Return Policy

There is no return policy once the code has been sent.

Contact Info

Contact with any questions with subject heading epvp.

Disclaimer: I am also sending codes on ebay as well, but of course it will be offered for cheaper here due to no ebay/paypal fees.
DangerMonkey is offline  
Old 12/28/2017, 15:20   #2 Trade Status: Unverified(?)
elite*gold: 0
Join Date: Dec 2017
Posts: 2
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hi man, i am really you know if someone (or any site) is selling that key nowadays?
FOXsgth is offline  
Old 06/29/2019, 00:16   #3 Trade Status: Unverified(?)
elite*gold: 0
Join Date: May 2019
Posts: 5
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Have any blank us accounts with khadgar?
Lordcortez is offline  

code, hero, khadgar, skin

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