As you obfuscated it (following your first post) I guess this won't become open source?
Anyway, as I'm currently building some kind of an informative esp to display more accurate information than the game itself does, I've stumbled across a few issues and can't seem to work those out. Not asking a solution of you, just if you may have found their memory adresses/offsets.
First: Ally stats. I've found adresses and offsets to read stats from my own character and all creatures belonging to me (ember, minions or other summons), but those do not work for allies or enemies (be it npc's or other players) and just contain null. I've tried scanning gw2's main adress room but even specifically looking for allies current values I don't seem to find anything. Especially armor values would be neat.
Second: "Type" of a Target struct, be it monster or object. What I'm looking for is the race (inquest, svanir, whatever).
Third: Tracking stealthed enemies, I'm just curious and won't implement that either way. I guess the server doesn't just stop sending enemies positions.
Fourth: More important: Can't seem to read any information about current party or guild. I'd like to display party members exact health over their healthbars. I solved this manually (having to set up order once) or with searching over the Gui to sort values, but that f**ks performance.
If you found any or can confirm they don't exist, that would be great. Thanks anyway.
Edit: If anyone is curious how it looks:
If anyone feels like including it into their own project (c++), just ask me.