A little help with CM 1 boss 2 - For me i let the NPC alive to help me distract the Boss 2, if dead immediately go back to
[Talk to the asura]
then teleport back to [Inside Box] to avoid the Boss to regenerate (but you have to be fast)
[Inside Box] <- use when downed to heal, this will keep both Boss & you in Combat.
[Above Hidden] <--This is where i range the boss
Selling 5540 solo mmr solo Dota 2 account 04/29/2014 - Dota - 1 Replies I'm selling my steam Dota 2 account with 5540 solo, 5300 party rating.
If you are interested pw me skype: dmitriy.sergeev10
[Selling] GW2 Dongeons and Map Services 09/26/2013 - Guild Wars 2 Trading - 3 Replies Welcome in my GW2 Service Shop
Map completion 15€/map
500 Dungeon tokens :
- Arah 100€
-Other 70€
Fractal 1-30 800€ it can be a fresh lvl 80 account we buy the stuff we need with our golds ofc !
Laurels farm 1 = ~1hour 10€ (for big quantity a discount is possible !)
[Frage[ Group.txt neue Group hinzufügen 04/03/2011 - Metin2 Private Server - 1 Replies hi ich wollte für ein paar Metins eig. Gruppen machen(Eid'S)
nur wenn ich das halt mit file zilla in die Group.txt einfüge und uploade dann
startet der Server nich mehr(Virtual pc).
Hier die Grp'S
Group Eid1
Vnum 10001
Screen Coords <--> Map Coords using autoit 04/21/2009 - CO2 Programming - 1 Replies Someone might like this.
I provide an example of how to convert screen coords into map coords and visa versa. So that if your using autoit or some other mouse clicking macro tool, then you can get it to accurately get the mouse coordinates to click to move to a map-coordinate location.
This method works by using autoit to look at the current player coordinates (_MemoryRead()), and performing some clicks on the screen to take map coordinate samples for mouse clicks in different locations....
Complete your group arena quests solo 07/01/2008 - General Gaming Releases - 4 Replies When you ring the gong the boss needs to come from the right or left door, if he comes from this middle this is too hard to do to be usefull so if he comes out that door, reset it. When the boss comes out aggro him and draw him all the way into the far corner of the middle door (the one you face as you walk into the arena). The door will be closed but you can walk straight through it. Let the boss kill you there and res right away. Run back into the arena (the gate opens when you die) and tag...