Luxon Vanquish for faction.
You can find the config from Line 95.
Global $nMinSleep = 60000 * 20 ; 20 Minutes - This is random sleep min every 4 runs
Global $nMaxSleep = 60000 * 60 ; 60 Minutes - This is random sleep max every 4 runs
Global $iDonateReward = 1 ; 1 == Faction, 2 == Jadeite Shard - Donate Reward
Global $bDonateAtCavalon = false ; True = Cavalon, False = Guild Hall
Global $iRunNum = 99 - Runs, This can be edited in UI
Bot supports backtracking with increased ranges if unable to vanquish first run
Party will heal to > 85% average before continuing after a fight
Disable rendering support
Current Initialize method is WinGetProcess("Guild Wars"), you can change this to a specific character name in the UI or in script.
On line 351, the fuction CanPickUpEx is used to check if certain items can be picked up. This is defaulted to common items that are used for Nicholas the Traveler, Golds, Greens, Tomes, Dyes, Lockpicks, Scrolls. Just add the modelid you want to pick up as a case and return true. For example I want to pick up bottle of grog as its pirate week currently. see below
Case 30855 ; Bottle of Grog Model ID
Return True
On line 447 is the fight function, this is currently set to use my SoS build OACjAuiMJRXTnNfTdilTVTQT0gA. This may differ in your case and may not work.
My current hero team is

# Credits
savsuds - Item Model ID's
Underavelvetmoon - I think I may have borrowed some ideas from pickup functionality
mhaendler - Disable Rendering
mrflibblehat - Waypoints (PvEvolved)
TheArkanaProject - Waypoints (PvEvolved)