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GW1 Bots working in July 2017
Discussion on GW1 Bots working in July 2017 within the GW Exploits, Hacks, Bots, Tools & Macros forum part of the Guild Wars category.
01/18/2018, 13:41
elite*gold: 0
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Originally Posted by ytix
Ahh now I understand why " $aHeader + 1" is a quick dirty fix! (I took a closer look with a file comparing tool...)
Alright, but could you also explain these fixes?
SetValue('DecreaseAttributeFunction', '0x' & Hex(GetScannedAddress('ScanDecreaseAttributeFunction', 46), 8))
SetValue('DecreaseAttributeFunction', '0x' & Hex(GetScannedAddress('ScanIncreaseAttributeFunction', -288), 8))
;Also, which is correct for Func GetSkillbar?
$lOffset[3] = 0x68C
$lOffset[3] = 0x6F0
;And is this required in Func GetAttributeByID?
$lOffset[3] = 0x110 ;from 0xAC
And is it actually important to "avoid getagentbyid" in Func Event?
Other than those, in strecky's library there are also functions GetPartyDanger, GetAgentDanger and GetPseudoDistance - worth mentioning?
I can try to explain
The Pattern you see here is a BYTE-Pattern. Somewhere in your RAM there is a "Region" that is reserved for GW. Within that Region theres another Region where you find the Byte-String above.
So somewhere in our GW-Memory we will find these 6 Bytes in exactly that order.
The Function "Hex(GetScannedAddress('ScanUseHeroSkillFuncti on', -0xA1), 8)" will do this for us ... it search the Memory for the Pattern and returns the Adress in our Memory where Byte-String is located.
The -0xA1 at the end means the the Function we are searching for (UseHeroSkill) isn't exactly located at the found address as it is -0xA1 Bytes before.
So back in 2015 when GW got updated the address of the UseHeroSkill-Func got another static address and the whole pattern part needed an update.
BTW: The Address is used in the ASM-Part of GWA2 which directly accesses the CPU, and yeah a wrong address lets GW crash/whatever ^^
$lOffset[3] = 0x6F0 is correct (GetSkillbar)
$lOffset[3] = 0xAC is correct (GetAttributeByID)
Within the Event-Func:
Yeah, just delete the GetAgentByID() in every Line ^^
The other Func ... well its the nature of an API that it will grow up by time.
Should't be a Problem, just be careful if a new Func contains Stuff like SendPacket and/or $Offsets as they need to be up-to-date, too!
01/18/2018, 16:52
elite*gold: 100
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hy danke und die gwa2 wahr von mir nur etwas bearbeitet da nur einige sehr alte bots damit gelaufen sind
01/18/2018, 18:19
elite*gold: 0
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anyone have a material tarder bot?
01/18/2018, 22:15
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Hi guys,
Pretty new to all this but I had some questions,
I am trying the Vaettir bot (VaettirComboRunv3.1.1) but I think I probably have the wrong build? It doesnt really kill anything. Could someone point me to a correct build? I am Rit with SoS.
Second question is more general, are there bots who really take on Vanquishing of an entire area? If so, could someone point me to them?
And last question, what is the best bot for Survivor title? I tried Killroy for some time and it got me pretty far but I still died twice so I had to start all over.
Thanks for all the hard work and the help!
01/18/2018, 23:13
elite*gold: 0
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Originally Posted by eunoiaa
I am trying the Vaettir bot (VaettirComboRunv3.1.1) but I think I probably have the wrong build? It doesnt really kill anything. Could someone point me to a correct build? I am Rit with SoS.
It's A/Me only bot: OwVUI2h5lPP8Id2BkAiAvpLBTAA
01/19/2018, 14:56
elite*gold: 0
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Hey first of all thank you for your awesome work on these bots!
I'm not super worked into the coding of bots but I've modified them to my likings a couple times already which brings me to my question.
I noticed that the bots I indended to use all have the Pickuploot and Ident functions for their actions but I couldn't find where they are defined. Am I correct that these are just the default GW functions to pickup and identify everything and that I have to write my own small functions if I want to filter some stuff out (like keeping golds unidentified and not pick up all random dyes) or did I miss something else?
01/19/2018, 21:23
elite*gold: 0
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Originally Posted by P@r@m3d!©
Hey first of all thank you for your awesome work on these bots!
I'm not super worked into the coding of bots but I've modified them to my likings a couple times already which brings me to my question.
I noticed that the bots I indended to use all have the Pickuploot and Ident functions for their actions but I couldn't find where they are defined. Am I correct that these are just the default GW functions to pickup and identify everything and that I have to write my own small functions if I want to filter some stuff out (like keeping golds unidentified and not pick up all random dyes) or did I miss something else?
The fragmentation of core library builds between bots makes it not that simple.
Don't be lazy, get a proper editor, like Notepad++, search for the functions in bot libraries, check out what the functions actually do and then think what you must additionally write in bot script to get desired result.
AutoIt language is simple, slightly annoying, but it doesn't chop your arms off, so invest time in it, and you'll see how easy it all actually is. Invest time and you'll be wiser.
01/19/2018, 21:47
elite*gold: 44
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Originally Posted by P@r@m3d!©
Hey first of all thank you for your awesome work on these bots!
I'm not super worked into the coding of bots but I've modified them to my likings a couple times already which brings me to my question.
I noticed that the bots I indended to use all have the Pickuploot and Ident functions for their actions but I couldn't find where they are defined. Am I correct that these are just the default GW functions to pickup and identify everything and that I have to write my own small functions if I want to filter some stuff out (like keeping golds unidentified and not pick up all random dyes) or did I miss something else?
So it depends on what script you running... Example if you are running the Kilroy script on this post, you can easily edit the script itself and search for Ident and CanPickUp fuctions to prevent it from ID, and to pick up certain modelId...
Now if you turn into the Vaettir script that is posted on here...it's a bit different. First you'd need to go into the gwApi and edit global to false on the PickUpAll,Tomes,ect (everything that you do not want it to pick up to false)...then you'd have to go into the library under items and make sure its only modelId set to return true are the ones you looking for...Similar for the ID, it should go under the Inventory library and you edit it from there... like i said it depends on what type of script you are trying to run.
Also don't listen to anyone telling you "don't be lazy do it yourself" and stuff...You are asking for help its not like you are asking for someone to do it for you.
01/19/2018, 22:08
elite*gold: 0
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Originally Posted by Lion2205
So it depends on what script you running... Example if you are running the Kilroy script on this post, you can easily edit the script itself and search for Ident and CanPickUp fuctions to prevent it from ID, and to pick up certain modelId...
Now if you turn into the Vaettir script that is posted on here...it's a bit different. First you'd need to go into the gwApi and edit global to false on the PickUpAll,Tomes,ect (everything that you do not want it to pick up to false)...then you'd have to go into the library under items and make sure its only modelId set to return true are the ones you looking for...Similar for the ID, it should go under the Inventory library and you edit it from there... like i said it depends on what type of script you are trying to run.
Also don't listen to anyone telling you "don't be lazy do it yourself" and stuff...You are asking for help its not like you are asking for someone to do it for you.
Thanks that helped a lot.
One of the bots was indeed the Vaettir bot. I haven't edited a bot yet which had these api functions so nicely split up in seperate files so I didn't know where to search the pickup function
01/20/2018, 11:32
elite*gold: 0
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someone know the build for bot stygan with mesmer pls?
01/20/2018, 12:57
elite*gold: 0
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i want to run the speedbook bot but i have a mesmer mercanary what is the ID does somebody know that because i get eeror when i start it up says no ID
01/20/2018, 15:16
elite*gold: 0
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Originally Posted by joke334
someone know the build for bot stygan with mesmer pls? 
The build and stuff has been posted on this topic. Dig in the first 10 pages of the topic
01/20/2018, 16:49
elite*gold: 0
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Originally Posted by calypso974fire
The build and stuff has been posted on this topic. Dig in the first 10 pages of the topic
Thanks bro
01/21/2018, 00:23
elite*gold: 0
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Originally Posted by Pwnchap
Does anybody have a Lightbringer & Sunspear bot? The EOTN Vq isn't working particularly well...
I'll upload this LB SS Bot so somebody could maybe kindly take a look at it for everybody..
Hey I tried running the LB SS Bot you had attached, dont know if anyone else has responded on it but it doesn't grab the bounty as you leave the outpost.
01/21/2018, 01:57
elite*gold: 0
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Originally Posted by DerMoench14
Well "duplicate functions" ... the error message tells you what went wrong.
You have the same named Function in multiple (included) Files which is not allowed.
Just delete/rename them in your Bot.au3.
thank you for your answer, I guess i just don't know enough about the code because I can't find that exact function in the bot code, if only the error told me where in the bot code this duplicate code is instead of in the addons.
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