I offer Shotbot's for any server you request with some exceptions (You can ask in Skype).
- External Hooking.
- Build in Microsoft Visual C++.
- Works for all screen resolutions/misc.
- Only will shot when you are using a gun. It means it will no shot when you are using: (Swords, Daggers, Meds, etc..)
Upcoming Features:
- Toogle Hotkey ON/OFF.
Not sure to add:
- Database with HWID Access. (It will depends on customers decision, 1x PC per Purchase).
Skype Contact: [ btagle93 ] << I have no other skype, beware of scammers.
Extra info:
- After purchase you will have 31 days of full support.
- In any case the hack stop working, and i can't update it. You can request a 100% refund.