[RELEASE]Ninja Saga Male & Female Hair Style HACK [PERMANENT] 01/10/2013 - Facebook - 4 Replies Credits: MyGameFriends.net
Hair style cheat 100% working and permanent!
TOOLS: Fiddler, SWF File
Download the SWF file >>here<<
1. Download Fiddler and the SWF File
Share Hack hair style PERMANENT (SWF) 28.12.2011 12/31/2011 - Facebook - 3 Replies SS >> http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-tt1q9bUtmps/TvwaaqvF0vI/ AAAAAAAAAEE/fpaeABa4QUw/s1600/nscprockabaliaridena yahya.jpg
Fiddler: Search in uncle Google
SWF: Hack hair style
how to use:
+ Open his fiddler
Check + click tabs autoresponder
+ Check enable automatic resronses and permit pass throught for Unmatched requst
(Ninja Saga) All Hair style hack (permanent !!!) 09/18/2011 - Facebook - 1 Replies Here is my cheat for any hair:
Works for all and here is the list of id (useful for selecting hair):
59 -> 60 World Cup 2010!
61 -> 62 1st Anniversary!
63 -> 64 Halloween 2010!
65 -> 98 Christmas 2010!
How to have custom hair (more than 1 or 2 hair models ) 03/03/2009 - Perfect World - 0 Replies I found people that have custom hair more than 1...
1. Poony tails
2. Red bandage
3. spike (bold)
The result is like the SPARTAN in 300 movies... COOL..!
I forgot to captured it....