I made this a while ago, and im only releasing the adventure and scenario mode hacks. ( hacking in battle mode is kinda lame -.- )
To avoid easy leeching:
My in game name is Kilgorin
now you should figure out what to change in the script.
if you dont, you suck noob leecher.
What do it do:
UBER attack speed
UBER movement speed
How to make it works:
Do the trick with the script
Run the game normally
Start the game ( adventure or scenario not battle )
After loading, when you can move your character, start CE
Inject the code
Close CE fast.
It works only once per game run. You need to restart the game and repeat the process to hack again.
//AvaPwn's by EdCoFu v1.6
//Movement and attack speed hack
mov eax,[[[AvaClient.exe+003D1A14]]]
add eax,10
cmp byte [eax],4b//K
je hack+2A
mov eax,[[[AvaClient.exe+003D1A14]]+178]
add eax,1c
mov eax,[eax]
add eax,10
cmp byte [eax],4b//K again
je hack+2A
push 1000
call sleep
jne hack
mov word [eax+90],204e
mov byte [eax+147],0
jmp hack+2A
rly, there is no problem copying this topic. just dont tell every one the trick, and give me the credits.
I made this a while ago, and im only releasing the adventure and scenario mode hacks. ( hacking in battle mode is kinda lame -.- )
thanks for that ;o
Originally Posted by edcofu
now you should figure out what to change in the script.
if you dont, you suck noob leecher.
ok now i wonder why would you insult the people youre posting hacks for? o.o if you dont want to explain stuff dont upload it in the first place ;o gentle person ;o
Originally Posted by edcofu
What do it do:
UBER attack speed
UBER movement speed
How to make it works:
Do the trick with the script
Run the game normally
Start the game ( adventure or scenario not battle )
After loading, when you can move your character, start CE
Inject the code
Close CE fast.
It works only once per game run. You need to restart the game and repeat the process to hack again.
i dont know if this was released during open beta (to lazy to look the date up) , but nowadays "closing CE fast" wont be necessary cus you cant start it in the first place , bypass needed
Originally Posted by edcofu
rly, there is no problem copying this topic. just dont tell every one the trick, and give me the credits.
uhm yer , public forum but shhh dont tell everyone the trick? weirdness^^
you should have decided if youre helpfull or not , dont try n be both
u need a hack too so don't call me noob,because u're too if u rlly say,as i saw in ur topic
i tryed hundred of solutions but CE can't pass HShield....
another solutions?
[Frage] Battelfield heroes hack's 03/12/2011 - General Gaming Discussion - 2 Replies hallo, ich wollte fragen ob jemand weiss ob es ein neuen hack gibt für battelfield heroes.Ich hab sufu benunzt, kommt nur ein hack das gepachted worden ist, googlen hilft auch nicht wirklich :(
Avalon Heroes als empfohlenes MMORPG - Warum kein Unterforum!? 08/28/2010 - Main - 1 Replies Hi,
auf epvp-games ist Avalon Heores als empfohlenes Spiel auf dem 4. Platz, außerdem gab es schon einige Threats über dieses Spiel, deshalb frage ich mich, warum hier kein Unterforum existiert? Spielen doch viele AH, oder nicht?
Suche Avalon Heroes Hack 08/11/2010 - elite*gold Trading - 13 Replies Hi, ich suche nen AH hack, um die heroes auf meine eingestellte deff stellen kann, den laufspeed auf 1000 erhöhen kann, undendlich geld habe, und die heroes den von mir eingestellten schaden (+ lebensraub wenn möglich) bzw die eingestellten attribute haben.
es sollte möglicherweise ein trainer sein, der diese werte eingeben lässt, mit integriertem hackshieldbypass (oder .dll, wäre mir sogar lieber)
warum ich das so möchte? ganz einfach: ich habe kaum ahnung vom hacken... und cheat engine...
Avalon Heroes - Another Dota Style game 06/29/2010 - Main - 9 Replies Hello everybody, im not sure if anybody posted avalon heroes review here, but here it goes (actually someone released a hack lol)
Anyways, avalon heroes , is another Dota-like-game, which is made just for hero play, like Heroes of Newerth, but its F2P. and alaplaya is the releaser of this game (the company which released S4 League)
there are 2 factions, called Oriens and Aeonia, and each faction has its own unique heros. but, there are few other game modes (as far as i know, theyre not...