wanted to share my little AutoIt Script here.
There is not much configuration needed, because it's calculating the necessary pixel location by itself depending on the resolution. Might need to tinker with your FOV if it doesnt work properly though.
Anyway it has following features:
-Detect incoming attack(only from the one that locked onto you)
-Auto Block incoming attack(You will need to bind Guards to J, K, L key on your keyboard)
-Auto Parry
-Auto Forward Dodge(for deflecting if parry is also active)
-Auto Guardbreak
Some features wont always work(but this makes it more "real", look at it as a combat companion who somtimes presses your buttons to assist you)
Also sometimes it tracks certain pixels to be the guardbreak colors or parry, so for that reason(in case you run around on a map) you can simply turn it off.
There are a few settings you can set in a config file like certain keys etc. But you can also just change some of the script itself.
The Script:
; Set the Escape hotkey to terminate the script. #include <Misc.au3> #include <MsgBoxConstants.au3> #include <AutoItConstants.au3> #include <WindowsConstants.au3> #include <GUIConstantsEx.au3> HotKeySet("{HOME}", "ToggleBox") Local $hDLL = DllOpen("user32.dll") Local $combodelays[3] = [0, 800, 500] Local $curDelay = 0; Local $curStep = 0; Global $g_bPaused = False Global $gotAttacked = 0; Global $frames = 5; Global $hasRed = False; Global $isGuard = 0; Global $paused = False Global $drawBox = False Global $hRectangle_GUI Global $pause_btn = IniRead("config.ini", "options", "pausebtn", "05") Global $btn = IniRead("config.ini", "guardbreak", "button", "06") ;Global $guardTopBtn = IniRead("config.ini", "block", "buttonTop", "4B") ;Global $guardLeftBtn = IniRead("config.ini", "block", "buttonLeft", "4A") ;Global $guardRightBtn = IniRead("config.ini", "block", "buttonRight", "4C") Global $auto_parry = IniRead("config.ini", "options", "autoparry", "1") Global $forward_dodge = IniRead("config.ini", "options", "forwarddodge", "1") Global $auto_block = IniRead("config.ini", "options", "autoblock", "0") Global $block_check = IniRead("config.ini", "options", "blockcheck", "1") Global $auto_gb = IniRead("config.ini", "options", "autogb", "1") Global $random_guard = IniRead("config.ini", "options", "randomguard", "0") Global $special_combo = IniRead("config.ini", "options", "special1", "0") Global $enemy_box_left = IniRead("config.ini", "block", "left", "582") Global $enemy_box_top = IniRead("config.ini", "block", "top", "296") Global $enemy_box_right = IniRead("config.ini", "block", "right", "921") Global $enemy_box_bottom = IniRead("config.ini", "block", "bottom", "741") Global $enemy_box_width = $enemy_box_right - $enemy_box_left; Global $enemy_box_height = $enemy_box_bottom - $enemy_box_top; Global $aClientSize = WinGetClientSize("[CLASS:FoxGame]") Global $player_left = 0 Global $player_top = 0 Global $player_right = 0 Global $player_bottom = 0 Global $target_left = 0 Global $target_top = 0 Global $target_right = 0 Global $target_bottom = 0 Global $lastBlockFound[2] = [0, 0] Global $blockInputTime = 0; Global $guardModeTime = 0; Global $hasTargetTime = 0; Global $lastRan = 0; Global $gotPressedR = false; Global $guardTime = 0; Global $lastGuardSide CalculateEnemyBox() CalculateGuardBreakBox() CalculatePlayerBox() CalculateTargetBox() ;MsgBox(0,"", $gb_left1); Main(); Func ToggleBox() $drawBox = Not $drawBox If $drawBox Then DrawBox() Else GUIDelete($hRectangle_GUI) EndIf EndFunc Func DrawBox() ;$hRectangle_GUI = GUICreate("", $player_right - $player_left, $player_bottom - $player_top, $player_left, $player_top, BitOR($WS_POPUP,$WS_BORDER),$WS_EX_TOPMOST) $hRectangle_GUI = GUICreate("", $enemy_box_width, $enemy_box_height, $enemy_box_left, $enemy_box_top, BitOR($WS_POPUP,$WS_BORDER),$WS_EX_TOPMOST) ;$hRectangle_GUI = GUICreate("", $target_right - $target_left, $target_bottom - $target_top, $target_left, $target_top, BitOR($WS_POPUP,$WS_BORDER),$WS_EX_TOPMOST) GUISetBkColor(0xffffff) WinSetTrans($hRectangle_GUI, "", 30) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) EndFunc Func RandomGuardChange() Local $mousePos = MouseGetPos(); Local $ran = Random(0, 2, 1); If $ran = 0 Then ;MouseMove(0, $mousePos[1], 0); Send("{j down}"); Sleep(50); Send("{j up}"); ElseIf $ran = 1 Then ;MouseMove(1200, $mousePos[1], 0); Send("{k down}"); Sleep(50); Send("{k up}"); Else ;MouseMove($mousePos[0], 0, 0); Send("{l down}"); Sleep(50); Send("{l up}"); EndIf $lastRan = $ran; EndFunc Func CalculateEnemyBox() Local $center_point[2] = [0, 0] $center_point[0] = $aClientSize[0] / 2 $center_point[1] = $aClientSize[1] / 2 $enemy_box_left = ($aClientSize[0] / 2.7) $enemy_box_top = ($aClientSize[1] / 3) $enemy_box_right = $aClientSize[0] - ($aClientSize[0] / 2.7) $enemy_box_bottom = $aClientSize[1] - ($aClientSize[1] / 3) $enemy_box_width = $enemy_box_right - $enemy_box_left; $enemy_box_height = $enemy_box_bottom - $enemy_box_top; EndFunc Func CalculatePlayerBox() $player_left = ($aClientSize[0] / 4.3) $player_top = ($aClientSize[1] / 1.9) $player_right = $aClientSize[0] - ($aClientSize[0] / 1.7) $player_bottom = $aClientSize[1] - ($aClientSize[1] / 5.5) EndFunc Func CalculateTargetBox() $target_left = $enemy_box_left + ($enemy_box_left / 4) $target_top = $enemy_box_top - ($enemy_box_top / 2) $target_right = $enemy_box_right $target_bottom = $enemy_box_top EndFunc Func CalculateGuardBreakBox() $gb_left1 = IniRead("config.ini", "guardbreak", "left1", "0") $gb_top1 = IniRead("config.ini", "guardbreak", "top1", "0") $gb_right1 = IniRead("config.ini", "guardbreak", "right1", "0") $gb_bottom1 = IniRead("config.ini", "guardbreak", "bottom1", "0") EndFunc Func Main() ; Initialize a Local variable. While 1 ;ToolTip("center", $enemy_box_right, $enemy_box_bottom); $hasRed = False; PausePulse() ;guard If $block_check = "1" Then BlockPulse() EndIf If $auto_gb = "1" Then AutoGBPulseNew() EndIf If $blockInputTime > 0 Then $blockInputTime -= $frames EndIf If $guardModeTime > 0 Then $guardModeTime -= $frames EndIf If $hasTargetTime > 0 Then $hasTargetTime -= $frames EndIf InputPulse() GuardModeCheckPulse() HasTargetCheckPulse() ;ToolTip($hasTargetTime, 0, 0) ;EndIf Sleep($frames) WEnd EndFunc ;==>Example Func GuardModeActive() If $guardModeTime > 0 Then Return True EndIf EndFunc Func HasTarget() If $hasTargetTime > 0 Then Return True EndIf EndFunc Func InputPulse() If _isPressed("04") Then $blockInputTime = 300 EndIf If $random_guard = "1" Then If _isPressed("01") Then RandomGuardChange() EndIf EndIf If $special_combo = "1" Then If _isPressed("52") Then SendAllMoveKeysUp() Sleep(5) Send("{s down}"); Send("{space down}"); Sleep(50) MouseDown("middle" ); $gotPressedR = true; Sleep(50); EndIf If $gotPressedR And Not _IsPressed("52") Then $gotPressedR = false; Send("{s up}"); Send("{space up}"); MouseUp("middle"); Sleep(50); RandomGuardChange() EndIf If _isPressed("51") Then Dodge("left") RandomGuardChange(); EndIf If _isPressed("45") Then Dodge("right") RandomGuardChange(); EndIf If _isPressed("06") Then SendAllMoveKeysUp(); Dodge("forward") Sleep(220) ExecuteGuardBreak() Sleep(100) EndIf If _isPressed("06") Then ;MouseClick("middle" ); ;Sleep(5); EndIf EndIf EndFunc Func AutoParryPulse() ;ToolTip("asd", $lastBlockFound[0], $lastBlockFound[1]) ;$aCoord = PixelSearch($lastBlockFound[0] - 5, $lastBlockFound[1] - 5, $lastBlockFound[0] + 5, $lastBlockFound[1] + 5, 0xff9f8e, 10) $aCoord = PixelSearch($lastBlockFound[0] - 5, $lastBlockFound[1] - 5, $lastBlockFound[0] + 5, $lastBlockFound[1] + 5, 0xff9f8e, 5) If Not [MENTION=2544426]Error T[/MENTION]hen If $forward_dodge = "1" And $lastGuardSide = "top" Then Dodge("forward") EndIf Attack("right") Attack("left") EndIf EndFunc Func Attack($mouse) ToolTip("AUTOPARRY", 0, 0) MouseClick($mouse) MouseClick($mouse) EndFunc Func BlockPulse() $aCoord = PixelSearch($enemy_box_left, $enemy_box_top, $enemy_box_right, $enemy_box_bottom, 0x970c05, 10) If Not [MENTION=2544426]Error T[/MENTION]hen $x_relation = $enemy_box_width - ($enemy_box_right - $aCoord[0]) $y_relation = $enemy_box_height - ($enemy_box_bottom - $aCoord[1]) $center_dist = Abs((($enemy_box_width / 2) - $x_relation)); If $y_relation < ($enemy_box_height / 3.2) And $center_dist < 30 Then $lastGuardSide = "top" ElseIf $y_relation > ($enemy_box_height / 1.8) And $x_relation < ($enemy_box_width / 2) + 10 Then $lastGuardSide = "left" ElseIf $y_relation > ($enemy_box_height / 1.8) And $x_relation > $x_relation < ($enemy_box_width / 2) - 10 Then $lastGuardSide = "right" EndIf $lastBlockFound = $aCoord; $guardTime = 80; EndIf If $guardTime > 0 Then If $auto_block = "1" Then Guard($lastGuardSide) EndIf If $auto_parry = "1" Then AutoParryPulse() EndIf $guardTime -= $frames; ToolTip($guardTime, 0, 0) EndIf EndFunc Func Guard($side) If $side = "top" Then ToolTip("Guard top", 0, 0); Send("{k down}"); Sleep($frames); Send("{k up}"); ElseIf $side = "right" Then ToolTip("Guard right", 0, 0); Send("{l down}"); Sleep($frames); Send("{l up}"); ElseIf $side = "left" Then ToolTip("Guard left", 0, 0); Send("{j down}"); Sleep($frames); Send("{j up}"); EndIf EndFunc Func AutoBlockPulse() ;top $aCoord = PixelSearch(708, 139, 743, 394, 0xD30607, 5) If Not [MENTION=2544426]Error T[/MENTION]hen Guard("top"); EndIf ;right $aCoord = PixelSearch(718, 424, 860, 584, 0xD30607, 5) If Not [MENTION=2544426]Error T[/MENTION]hen Guard("right"); EndIf ;left $aCoord = PixelSearch(479, 414, 700, 602, 0xD30607, 5) If Not [MENTION=2544426]Error T[/MENTION]hen Guard("left"); EndIf EndFunc Func SendAllMoveKeysUp() Send("{d up}"); Send("{a up}"); Send("{s up}"); Send("{w up}"); EndFunc Func Dodge($side) SendAllMoveKeysUp() Sleep(10) If $side = "left" Then Send("{a down}"); ElseIf $side = "right" Then Send("{d down}"); ElseIf $side = "forward" Then Send("{w down}"); ElseIf $side = "backwards" Then Send("{s down}"); EndIf Send("{space down}"); Sleep(50); Send("{d up}"); Send("{a up}"); Send("{s up}"); Send("{w up}"); Send("{space up}"); Sleep(20); EndFunc Func AutoGBPulseNew() If $blockInputTime > 0 Or Not HasTarget() Then Return EndIf $found1 = False $aCoord = PixelSearch($enemy_box_left, $enemy_box_top, $enemy_box_right, $enemy_box_bottom, 0x6FB5DC, 4) If Not [MENTION=2544426]Error T[/MENTION]hen $found1 = True EndIf If $found1 Then ExecuteGuardBreak() ;ToolTip("guard", $aCoord[0], $aCoord[1]) EndIf EndFunc Func GuardModeCheckPulse() $aCoord = PixelSearch($player_left, $player_top, $player_right, $player_bottom, 0xfffff0, 5) If Not [MENTION=2544426]Error T[/MENTION]hen $guardModeTime = 300 EndIf EndFunc Func HasTargetCheckPulse() $aCoord = PixelSearch($target_left, $target_top, $target_right, $target_bottom, 0x00cc65, 5) If Not [MENTION=2544426]Error T[/MENTION]hen $hasTargetTime = 300 Else If $hasTargetTime > 100 Then $aCoord = PixelSearch($target_left, $target_top, $target_right, $target_bottom, 0xfffff0, 0) If Not [MENTION=2544426]Error T[/MENTION]hen $hasTargetTime = 300 EndIf EndIf EndIf EndFunc Func ExecuteGuardBreak() MouseClick("middle") MouseClick("middle") MouseClick("middle") MouseClick("middle") Sleep(100) EndFunc Func PausePulse() If _isPressed($pause_btn) Then $paused = Not $paused sleep(100) EndIf If $paused Then ToolTip("Paused", 0, 0) ;Else ;ToolTip("Active", 0, 0) EndIf ;If _IsPressed("56", $hDLL) Then While $paused Or Not WinActive("[CLASS:FoxGame]") Sleep(100); If _isPressed($pause_btn) Then $paused = Not $paused Sleep(100) ToolTip("Active", 0, 0) EndIf WEnd EndFunc Func _Terminate() Exit EndFunc ;==>_Terminate DllClose($hDLL); GUIDelete($hRectangle_GUI)
The config:
[options] autoblock=0 autoparry=1 autogb=0 blockcheck=1 randomguard=0 special1=1 forwarddodge=1 pausebtn=05 [guardbreak] button=06
And for those who just want to run it, i compiled the autoit script, added the config file and attached it to this post.
New Version//
I hope this helps anyone out there. Also I opened up a discord chat in case anyone wants to improve this thing or needs some help.