Global API, that can be used in Strife:
- Geometry:
- Graphics:
- Keyboard:
- Render:
Strife specific API:
Callbacks (functions that get triggered automatically, when certain events occur)
Tick -- gets triggered regularly (for recurring checks an operations) Draw -- gets triggered whenever your screen is redrawn CustomGameStart -- gets triggered when you start the game AllocateEntity(uid) -- gets triggered when a new ingame object gets created DeleteEntity(uid) -- gets triggered when an ingame object gets removed SendPacket(packet) -- get triggered when a packet is send RecvPacket(packet) -- get triggered when a packet is recved
objManager (generic interface for accessing ingame objects)
sh.entities sh.players
.team .name .uid .type .isAlive .valid .hero
IHeroEntity class : functions : GetItem(slot) GetAbility(slot) GetAbilities() GetState() attributes : isClientState cliffwalking isEntityItem isDisarmed isHeroEntity isGameInfo isShopEntity isFamiliarEntity evasionMelee isSilenced isMoving isBitEntityInfo adjustedAttackActionTime isCreepEntity isAttackNotReady deniable y isCasting attackTime isAttacking z physRes lifeSteal power stashAccess isGameEntity isEntityEffect isAffectorInfo team isGadgetEntity uid isEntityChest type name isProjectileEntity level mana evasionRanged isGameStats health unitwalking isEntityAbilityAttribute isPlayerView healthRegen isTeamInfo attackSpeed isStunned isPowerupEntity attackDamageMin isHero isEntityState sightRange isEntityProxyAbility isAlive isBuildingEntity isBuilding magicRes valid isNeutralEntity isPerplexed pos isEntityCamera isEntityAbility x isOrderEntity isSlaveEntity isShopInfo isSpawnerEntity baseDamage isLinearAffector maxHealth isCreep healthPercent armor boundsRadius isNeutralBossEntity isEntityTool treewalking criticalChance adjustedAttackCooldown moveSpeed criticalMult maxMana canCanAttack isUnitEntity adjustedAttackDuration magicArmor attackDamageMax manaRegen attackRange isHeroPetEntity isVisualEntity isLightEntity isPropEntity isEntityStateNetAccum isShopItemInfo isCritterEntity isPlayer isWaypointEntity
CEntityAbility class: attributes : areaCastRange lineCastMaxRange castTime channelTime maxLevel isEntityProxyAbility slot castActionTime type name activeChannelTime manaCost remainingCd canActivate targetRadius coneCastRange cdDuration range level lineCastWidth lineCastRange coneCastWidth
Game.GetLocalPlayer() Game.MoveTo(x, y) Game.GetTickCount() Game.GetCursor() Game.DrawCircle(Vector3, number) -- Rendered Game.SendPacket(packet) hero:GetAbility(index) Game.CastSpell(SpellIindex, X, Y) Game.CastSpell(SpellIindex, Unit) Game.CastSpell(SpellIindex) Game.Chat.Send(String) Game.Courier.Start() Game.Courier.Stop() Game.SellItem(Slot) Game.BuyItem(ItemID) Game.LvlSpell(SpellID) Game.Ping(Ptype,x,y) Game.Move(x,y) Game.AttackMove(x,y) Game.Attack(unit) Game.CastItem(id) Game.CastItem(id,x,y) Game.CastItem(id,unit)
EntityManager Class : Functions : Game.EntityManager:GetLowest(range, vec3, team, lowerthen) Game.EntityManager:GetEntitys(range, vec3, team) Members: range -- Number or it takes the basic range of your hero vec3 -- Vector3 from where the minions are centered or it takes your current position team -- Game.EntityManager_ALLY, Game.EntityManager_ENEMY, Game.EntityManager_ALL or if not set it set Game.EntityManager_ENEMY lowerthen -- only return if the minion health are lower then this value [optional] Usage ex: Callback.Bind("Render", function() local myEntitys = Game.EntityManager:GetEntitys(2000, Game.GetLocalPlayer().hero.pos, Game.EntityManager_ENEMY) for i, e in pairs(myEntitys) do Game.DrawCircle(e.pos, 200) end end)
Prediction Class : Functions : Vector3 -- Allclass.Prediction:GetPosition(Target, Range, Speed, Delay, Width, VeloMode) Vector3 -- Allclass.Prediction:PosInTime(Target, Delay) Number -- Allclass.Prediction:GetVeloHC(Target) Members: Target -- has to be a valid .hero object Range -- Number [optional] Speed -- Number [optional] Delay -- Number [optional] Width -- Number [optional] VeloMode -- Boolean[optional] Usage ex: local Range = math.huge local Speed = math.huge local Delay = 1 local Width = 100 local VeloMode = true Callback.Bind("Draw", function() for i, p in ipairs(sh.players) do local hero = p.hero if hero and hero.valid and > 0 then local tpp = Allclass.Prediction:GetPosition(hero, Range, Speed, Delay, Width, VeloMode) if tpp ~= nil then Allclass.Draw3D.Circle(tpp.x, tpp.y, tpp.z, 100) Allclass.Draw3D.Line(hero.pos, tpp) end end end end)
Collision Class : Functions : Boolean, table -- Allclass.Collision:GetHeroCollision(PointA, PointB, Delay, Speed, Width) Boolean, table -- Allclass.Collision:GetEntityCollision(PointA, PointB, Width) Members: PointA -- Vector3 PointB -- Vector3 Delay -- Number [optional] Speed -- Number [optional] Width -- Number [optional] VeloMode -- Boolean[optional] Usage ex: local Width = 50 Callback.Bind("Draw", function() local isCollision, collE = Allclass.Collision:GetEntityCollision(Game.GetLocalPlayer().hero.pos, Game.GetCursor(), Width) Allclass.Draw3D.Line(Game.GetLocalPlayer().hero.pos, Game.GetCursor(), Width, isCollision and Graphics.RGBA(255,0,0,255) or Graphics.RGBA(0,255,0,255)) for i, e in pairs(collE) do Allclass.Draw3D.Circle(e.pos.x, e.pos.y, e.pos.z, (Width + 10 + (e.boundsRadius*2))) end end)
Draw3D Class : Functions : Allclass.Draw3D.Line(PointA, PointB, width, color) Allclass.Draw3D.Circle(x, y, z, radius, width, color, chordlength) Allclass.Draw3D.Lines(points, width, color) Allclass.Draw3D.DrawText(text, x, y, z, size, color) Members: PointA -- Game-Vector3 PointB -- Game-Vector3 x/y/z -- GamePosition-Number points -- table with ScreenPos-Vector2 text -- string size -- Number [optional] radius -- Number [optional] width -- Number [optional] color -- Color Object [optional] chordlength -- Number [optional]
Functions : Number -- Allclass.FPS.GetExactFPS() Number -- Allclass.FPS.GetFPS() Allclass.DelayAction(func, delay, args) Number -- Allclass.Utility:ComputeAASpeed(unit) Number -- Allclass.Utility:GetVirtualHP(unit)
--Calc physical damage taking care of armor Allclass.DamageLib:CalcDamage(unit,Damage) --Calc magic damage taking care of magicarmor Allclass.DamageLib:CalcMagicDamage(unit,Damage) --Calc aa damage Allclass.DamageLib:ComputeAADmg(unit,Target)
Packet.header -- Return network headers Packet.pos -- Return the current pos in the dump Packet.size -- Return the size of the dump
Packet.Decode1() -- Return 1 byte and increases the read pos by 1 Packet.Decode2() -- Return a word and increases the read pos by 2 Packet.Decode4() -- Return a long and increases the read pos by 4 Packet.DecodeF() -- Return a float and increases the read pos by 4 Packet.Encode1(eByte) -- Encode a byte Packet.Encode2(eWord) -- Encode a word Packet.Encode4(eLong) -- Encode a long Packet.EncodeF(eFloat) -- Encode a float Packet.EncodeStr(eStr) -- Encode a string Packet.getRemaining() Packet.skip()
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