12sky Private Server Releasing Soon 02/20/2013 - 12Sky2 - 51 Replies Ok guy's well i'm gonna start working on 12sky Private Server cus im sick of playing 12sky2 and comparing it to 12sky and how much i like 12sky better and playing other games.If anyone could help me out or can i get like a team.I would appreciate some help if possiable to speed up the making of the private server.
PM Me if your interested in helping me out.
need help on 12sky privAte server!! 09/16/2010 - Private Server Advertising - 1 Replies can any1 help my create 12sky private server csn pay for help! on paypal if need...
selling 12sky m1 fujin or trading for 12sky jinong 09/16/2010 - General Gaming Discussion - 1 Replies im selling a m1 fujin he has a katana 81% nd rare necky nd ring nd he has a uni robe if your interested post a reply here im looking for 12sky silver coins or a jinong 100+ my email is [email protected]
About the 12sky private serv 06/02/2010 - Private Server - 5 Replies Alright, i did some looking around and found some threads. Is there an working public one atm? how well is the player base? how may i join them? i played 12sky from day once and caped out 2-3 accounts but left do to poor mangement. Thank god aeria let 12sky go haha. Please fill me in!!!!! :D