I found it in the client's skills list so I can automate it.
I looked at the send packet (code 0xE2DF) to time between them.
I spam the Bolt spell/skill key button as fast as I can.
On average with out the reduction my bolts around around
2 seconds apart.
With this on it's down to around a
~1.5 gap. And there is still more experimenting to do..
Will be a nice DPS increase for bots, but of course don't be an idiot and use it for PVP (yea some will be an idiot anyhow).
(FYI because of this, I can't include it in
ReqBot until I find a way to turn it ON or OFF).
By the way the main skill packet is very simple:
struct tPACKET_E2DF
HEADER tHeader;
UINT uID; // Skill ID
BYTE Flag; // 0 = AOE, 1 = solo target skill
UINT uTargetID; // Target ID
float x, y, z; // For AOE when Flag = 0
As you can see there is little room for everything else (nothing in the header either, it's only 8 bytes).
So playing with the critical chance values (from the VDK or memory) probably does nothing.