
Special The new that was added is the "Special Tools", this special Tool is Pet Skill, for it does not take RoomMaster or Creator of the room, it works in any room.
Pet Special Skill (S + NumPad 4): Enables a special combination of our mascot Skills or Pet.
Special Defense (S + NumPad +6): Enables a combination of Skill defense mode maximized.
Angle 360: Does it give you trouble if the angle reaches a limit and I can not go up or down? With this function you can move at any angle without restrictions, ie, 360.
Bunge Shot(Alt + R): This is a kick Bunge Bunge activates the item, making it much more hollow than usual.
Health (ALT + T): With active ste the Item1 of endlessly bandage is not necessary to be the Master.
Walk Hack: You will have to walk as much as you want, without restriction, walking the whole stretch your turn you want without your move is completed.
ITEM DELAY:This function enable Item Delay serves to gain time and steal shifts, ie if you use a Item1 lose no time restriction for the use.
User Functions Powers
Power user 1 = PU + FENIX + TIBURON
Power user 2 = PU2 GREEN+ FRANK + TIBURON + MAYA
Puwer user 2 plus = PU2 PURPLE+ All
(Only Master)
Mobile Features
Knight, and Dragon (MIX)
Mobile Frank
Mobile Phoenix
Mobile Tiburon
Mobile Maya
(Only Master)
User Functions Powers
Power user 1 = PU + FENIX + TIBURON
Power user 2 = PU2 GREEN+ FRANK + TIBURON + MAYA
Puwer user 2 plus = PU2 PURPLE+ All
(Only Master)
Mobile Features
Knight, and Dragon (MIX)
Mobile Frank
Mobile Phoenix
Mobile Tiburon
Mobile Maya
(Only Master)
Auto Winner (Shift+Z): With this hack win the game quickly. It works for the master or creator of the room and any room, ie you are in a room X came in and you can finish it. It is activated with "Alt + C " to activate after 3 turns
Sudden Death (Alt+Z): EThis hack is to release the sudden death before age takes 40 turns. To activate you press "Alt + Z". On last about three turns, one is for the master of the courtroom.
Bonus Hack (Alt+X): You must be the creator of the room or having the key to the room, then when you or shoot at any time during the game press the "Alt + X" and automatically all users in your room will take the extra bonus of GP. It is better to play more than 2v2 and note that there are better profit.

Shoot Hack: This is an old hack that is being relaunched now, click on the image of each shot or bullet if we change the 1 in the Bala Bala 55 or Bala 2, we will see that change when playing, and we need to work perfectly be Room Master Room or Creators or have the room key.
Function Item 2 Full: It is the function to be Infinite Items (Supersedes those of CASH GOLD).
[Tutorial updated to use ITEM 2 Infinity]
No need to choose the Interface, u can use the Interface New or Old, GamerzAim detects the type of interface you're using. Calibrated for New Interface to Interface old.
Don't need key room or Room Master

- Run Trainer
- Log in GunBound.
- Between, on one server.
- Use the Trainer as desired.
- If you want to use the GamerzAim, press Supr / Del, to enable GamerzAim.
- Inside the game use the "Interface Old" or "Interface New".
- Have fun !
GamerzAim Pro
Version GIS
Version GIS
Hotkeys ------- Insert Mode BackShot Supr/Del Active mode Memory Ctrl + Mouse Position of the enemy Ctrl + PowerBar Draw Line (Mode: Proshot) Ctrl + F12 Closing the GamerzAim Re. Pag Increases the Mobile Av. Pag Decrease the Mobile Alt + A Changed Mode (Default is Mode: Dragonbot)
Support for Phoenix Shot 2 and SS
In this version Line White is for Phoenix Shoot 2 and Line Yellow is Phoenix Shoot SS.Mode GamerzAim Pro
Proshot: You choose the select or click the powerbar GunBound and GamerzAim shows you the line where the shot will hit (Use Ctrl to see the draw line).
Dragonbot: is using normal mode.. select target.
- Auto Start (F5) -> Alt+Q.
- Pass Turn (F8) -> Alt+W.
- Suicide (AutoClick) -> Alt+E
(Additional Item 2 Full)
•Tutorial infinite items 2 (Spanish version)•