Rumble Fighter 08/13/2010 - General Gaming Discussion - 13 Replies Hallo ihr
Habe mir das Game Rumble Fighter gedownloadet weil ich finde das es von den screens her voll lustig aussieht.
Jetzt habe ich das problem das ich es nicht starten kann weil ich nicht in "North America" wohne.
Wie kann ich mein PC jetzt nochmal umstellen das das Game denkt das ich daher komme?
Ich wusste das mal, aber irgendwie nicht mehr ^^
Also, danke für die hilfe
Rumble Fighter 12/08/2009 - General Gaming Discussion - 2 Replies I have 2 files,
1. rumblefighter.exe; Latest Update from 8 Oct. 2009
2. rumblehacks.exe; From the previous update and edited client with hacks
I want to decompile "rumblefighter.exe" The updated one (8 October Update) because I have another "rumblehacks.exe" with the old patch but with edited stuff in it provided by my friend Mikeez. I already searched on the internet, asked other people, and I tried my self... now please I am posting here to be helped.
I want my hacks to be...
rumble fighter 10/28/2009 - General Gaming Discussion - 3 Replies i know theres been posts about this game before....and no one found hacks for it
but theres a guy claiming to have made a 1 hit ko
hes even selling the hack
anyone know if its possible?
or does anyone know where i can get the hack from?