[Guide]How to make a rakion server. 03/09/2012 - General Gaming Discussion - 21 Replies Setting up a Rakion Private Server
http://i220.photobucket.com/albums/dd48/GolferToA xis/RakionLOGO.gif
I made this guide for all or maybe majority will understand well how to make a Rakion server online. Names for credits are not posted, but if you want to be credited, just send me a message and i'll put your name in the credits, but make sure you really shared.
Violent or :grr: Reactions will be reported a soon as possible...
Complete Rakion Hacking Guide 08/26/2011 - General Gaming Discussion - 22 Replies Ok, I'm getting bored with rakion..so I thought I might post this :p.
I know its gonna get patched..
Things you need:
GameResistance 2.03a by Dual (Attached)
Private Engine 5.3.0 by joel1992 (Attached)
Correct CE settings by joel1992 (Attached)
[OMG HACK VIDEO] Check out Me Super Hacking 07/19/2008 - Cabal Online - 13 Replies Recently I've found a super hack using UCE. haha check out my video.
YouTube - CT File for Evandon 2
[Video] ~Me run hacking~ 03/01/2008 01/05/2008 - Cabal Online - 25 Replies Online Video: Cabalrun | Veoh Video Network
Enjoy ^^
if you wanna see a video of my combo hack, give me a buzz on pm or here~~
Hacking Guide for Rakion 01/12/2006 - General Gaming Discussion - 56 Replies First off, i have tooken this from gzp so the credit for it goes to the author on that site.
This howto will also come along with an NProtect bypass, credits for it go to MANOLZ
Here you go:
First of all, Koder pretty much beat me to posting most of this.