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Grinding on Rryatt Trail

Discussion on Grinding on Rryatt Trail within the General Gaming Discussion forum part of the General Gaming category.

Old   #1
elite*gold: 0
Join Date: Dec 2004
Posts: 697
Received Thanks: 8
Just go down to the Webweaver Path with a Group of 5 Members or so. (Maybe an Master Defender to tank)
At the first Spawnpoint of the Wookies ( 15 Wookies or so) go to the Bridge right form you an wait for the spawn.
During Double XP each Wookies gave me 12k XP-Points and to Jedis something like 2,2k.
They spawn very short, less than 5 minutes.

You can use some kind of AFK-Macro if you are sure the others are taking the damage and not you.

/ui action cycleTargetOutward;
/ui action toolbarSlot00;
/pause 0.1;
/macro macroname;
replace the "00" with the Number of your F-Key for the attack starting at 00 e.g. 00 = F1, 01 = F2 .....

Have Fun!
termi is offline  

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