DKLegend SpeedHack 02/20/2013 - General Gaming Discussion - 2 Replies Hey all , can any one plz help me in getting a speed hack or helping me in creating one plz any one help and thx alot
isnt there any one can help or only answer ?? :/
dklegend sh darkeden 12/15/2011 - General Gaming Discussion - 1 Replies hello, could i get a speedhack for dklegend, help creating one or a good guide to creating one. thank you
[Darkeden Server] Dklegend 11/13/2010 - Private Server Advertising - 23 Replies I know this is only my first post, but I am here to bring you all the news of a great Darkeden server, a server that surpasses all others by LEAGUES. I'm speaking of Dklegend, the only v6 server in existence, all other darkeden private servers are a bunch of high rate v2 noobs that cannot even compare.
Dklegend is fully updated with japanese and korean files, and is here to bring that to the western world!
We have a large community that is steadily surpassing servers that have been up for...