New Bypass Idea *IDEA NOT A HACK* 01/19/2009 - Soldier Front - 5 Replies Think about it..xfire to bypass GameGuard.
I dunno about anyone else or why it hasn't been mentioned ..or maybe it has.
But let me give you an example of what i mean.
You would Inject your "wallhack.dll" into the xfire.exe process.
Then Login to xFire.Then login to SF and let your Xfire ingame Load up.
Since xfire layers its chat windows over the SF screen freely without causing the ALT+TAB error
that means its has some kind of control over the D3D.
[Idea] just an idea about having more power.. 11/22/2007 - Kal Online - 5 Replies Hello ..
I know i know ..everyone will replay with (SERVER SIDED) but we all thought the (Job Change) is Server Sided & we also thought (Cooldown Hack) is Server Sided .. bla bla bla but im not talking about adding STR or Agility because i know whatever you add it will just show as a number & wont have any effects ... & you will give the same damage ..
the point of this is .. in (Speed Hack) the normal speed is 0 & with Speed-up its 45 .. right ? .. & the Speed-up is just a potions (buff)...
Idea For Bot 10/23/2007 - Archlord - 5 Replies what if we take a bot from an other game and change the data (for AL)?
or is that not possible/hard?
Good idea or bad idea? 05/22/2007 - Conquer Online 2 - 4 Replies I have a water(110)-Trojan(130) but i dont know if i should go to trojan again for 2nd rb or should i rb to water?
If i am water(110)-trojan(130)-water(130) how much hp would i have if i went melee and had about 2.4k mana?
Idea:Possibly good potential idea! 10/26/2005 - Conquer Online 2 - 3 Replies Well today I was thinking and it was stated that it's impossible to view if you have a +1 item unless you look in your inventory, but it is generated before its picked up.
This could be a big job, could be worth it if it was possible and done correctly though. Turn the items on the floors into items in your inventory images, I should probably explain a bit more. The images that are used in your inventory, put those on the floor. That way if you moused over the image it'd show the +1...