Scion Of Fate(Yulgang Online) private server 02/21/2010 - Private Server Advertising - 1 Replies Anyone interested in Scion Of Fate(Yulgang Online) private server
Pls visit *Edited by trane. IF u really LIKE tis game.
Working server, most important lots of helpful player there.
SoF|Yulgang MegaTopic 09/20/2007 - General Gaming Discussion - 139 Replies Scions of Fate Allround Guide +Download Area
Yulgang Newbe Guide
Ich wollt ma das game Scions of Fate bzw. Yulgang vorstellen ( da mir langweilig ist xD)
Es ist ein MMORPG aus japan, Korea oder so. Man muss wie in eig. jedem MMORPG irgentwelche Monster klopen um zu leveln. Es gibt ein paar Quests wo man leicht übertriebene Belohnungen bekommt. Es gibt 5 Klassen (Swordman, Blademan, Bowman, Speerman und Healer). Jede Klasse kann sich ab lvl 35 einer Seite anschließen. Einmal...
Yulgang 02/15/2007 - General Gaming Discussion - 1 Replies hey ppl for elitepvpers
this new game yulgang is kinda cool for the fact thats its allmost brant new.
any1 know for any autolvlers or any kinda bot or marco hehe
(i just asking)
and if you have any hits for this game or any good yulgang sites PLS post your link
text2schild.php?smilienummer=1&text=THX for all help' border='0' alt='THX for all help' />
yulgang 12/16/2006 - General Gaming Discussion - 0 Replies Hey there and a good day 2 you all :P
I need some help from you ppl who know a thing or two abute mmorpg's
I know some of you have allready herd the name of the new mmorpg : yulgang
Cose this game is so new and it whas made in China theres no offical english site that i whould know abute and thats what i whant you ppl to do me a favor.
Post every english link of this game here cose i realy whant 2 play it and have some fun.
Yulgang 09/15/2006 - General Gaming Discussion - 0 Replies Hey Guys :)
A friend told me about this game, but there arent much Infos yet (in english).
Anyone knows when the game comes for international ?
I just found this Site in english about the game: