Wich server? 08/19/2012 - World of Warcraft - 2 Replies im going to start a new Druid, wich server you sugest?
Wich Server Would you like to play? 02/18/2012 - Shaiya Private Server - 8 Replies So yes im wondering wich server you would like to play the moste on, im working on a EP3 server and an EP5 thats why i would like you guys to vote.
My personal vote goes to EP3 because i really really enjoyed 66shaiya alot.
And i know there has been a tread like this allready but ep3 was missing.
Wich pets works and wich not?? 08/19/2010 - SRO Private Server - 0 Replies I was about to buy a White wolf but i remember that some pets doesn't work with bot so it would be great if someone post here wich pets works and wich doesn't with the DB-bot
PD: Much as the attackers and grabbers and thx
Wich Is the best server with 30x? 01/20/2010 - SRO Private Server - 10 Replies Hey i play long time no sro but now i will start again on a privat server with 30x rates and not much laggs
Pls told me name and reg link (pls no server where you cant reg)
wich server is lagless 05/26/2009 - SRO Private Server - 3 Replies with lagless i mean less lag , there's no server with a bit of lag.
sjsro (old) is killing me, i mean if i wanna buy 50 pots i have to wait 10-15 secods so it's grinding. since i'm a nuker you can understand that lag is a big problem for me especially for my 3,7k hp.