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Start Probleme mit Gothic 3

Discussion on Start Probleme mit Gothic 3 within the General Gaming Discussion forum part of the General Gaming category.

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Start Probleme mit Gothic 3

Habe für das PC Spiel Gothic 3 das G3 Questpaket 4 (Vollversion Update 2)

Installiert, die Installation verlief reibungslos nur bei Starten von Spiel mit Questpaket 4 erscheint eine Bekannte Guru Fehler Meldung die man von den Vorgängern kennt. Bin grade Ratlos, ohne dem Questpaket Startet G3 Ganz Normal ohne irgendwelche zicken.

kann mir Jemand dabei behilflich sein bitte, finde auf worldofgothic keinen Support zu diesem Problem.


Gothic3 Engine LogFile...
Username:XXXX / Computername:XXXX-PC
Date: Sunday, February 03, 2013
Error main message:
in module GFC.dll at 0023:004431F3
CFFGFCWnd::SetWindowTextA()+3 byte(s)

Registers and callstack:
0023:004431F3 (0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00818494 0x00000000) GFC.dll, CFFGFCWnd::SetWindowTextA()+3 byte(s)
0023:FAFD4DFC (0x00718B1E 0x005D8010 0x00718B42 0x00718B54) <UNKNOWN>
0023:00718B0C (0x00718B1E 0x005D8010 0x00718B42 0x00718B54) Game.dll, gCFocus_PS::Read()+26748 byte(s)
0023:00718B0C (0x0078D560 0xD55C25FF 0x25FF0078 0x0078D558) Game.dll, gCFocus_PS::Read()+26748 byte(s)
0023:25FF0078 (0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000) <UNKNOWN>

EAX=0018E1D8  EBX=0000000F  ECX=00000000  EDX=00000001  ESI=00000001
EDI=F91168B0  EBP=D56425FF  ESP=D5642607  EIP=00000000  FLG=00210202
CS=0023   DS=002B  SS=002B  ES=002B   FS=0053  GS=002B

History log:
eCVirtualFileSystem::MountDir -> Succesfully mounted 'Data/Strings' -> 'Data/Strings', Z:#532 -> '.\kernel\ge_message.cpp'
eCVirtualFileSystem::MountDir -> Succesfully mounted 'Data/BrushPresets' -> 'Data/BrushPresets', Z:#532 -> '.\kernel\ge_message.cpp'
eCVirtualFileSystem::MountDir -> Succesfully mounted 'Data/_compiledAnimation' -> 'Data/_compiledAnimation', Z:#532 -> '.\kernel\ge_message.cpp'
eCVirtualFileSystem::MountDir - Mount MOD pack file: d:\Program Files (x86)\Gothic III/Data/_compiledImage.mod for folder:#G3:/Data/_compiledImage, Z:#532 -> '.\kernel\ge_message.cpp'
eCVirtualFileSystem::MountDir -> Succesfully mounted 'Data/_compiledImage' -> 'Data/_compiledImage', Z:#532 -> '.\kernel\ge_message.cpp'
eCVirtualFileSystem::MountDir -> Succesfully mounted 'Data/_compiledMaterial' -> 'Data/_compiledMaterial', Z:#532 -> '.\kernel\ge_message.cpp'
eCVirtualFileSystem::MountDir - Mount incremental pack file: d:\Program Files (x86)\Gothic III/Data/_compiledMesh.p00 for folder:#G3:/Data/_compiledMesh, Z:#532 -> '.\kernel\ge_message.cpp'
eCVirtualFileSystem::MountDir -> Succesfully mounted 'Data/_compiledMesh' -> 'Data/_compiledMesh', Z:#532 -> '.\kernel\ge_message.cpp'
eCVirtualFileSystem::MountDir -> Succesfully mounted 'Data/_compiledPhysic' -> 'Data/_compiledPhysic', Z:#532 -> '.\kernel\ge_message.cpp'
eCVirtualFileSystem::MountDir -> Succesfully mounted 'Scripts' -> 'Scripts', Z:#532 -> '.\kernel\ge_message.cpp'
eCVirtualFileSystem::MountDir -> Succesfully mounted 'Backup' -> 'Backup', Z:#532 -> '.\kernel\ge_message.cpp'
eCVirtualFileSystem::MountDir -> Succesfully mounted 'Snapshots' -> 'Snapshots', Z:#532 -> '.\kernel\ge_message.cpp'
eCVirtualFileSystem::MountDir -> Succesfully mounted 'Data/LogicalEditor' -> 'Data/LogicalEditor', Z:#532 -> '.\kernel\ge_message.cpp'
eCVirtualFileSystem::MountDir -> Succesfully mounted 'Data/Video' -> 'Data/Video', Z:#532 -> '.\kernel\ge_message.cpp'
eCVirtualFileSystem::MountDir - Mount incremental pack file: d:\Program Files (x86)\Gothic III/Data/Music.p00 for folder:#G3:/Data/Music, Z:#532 -> '.\kernel\ge_message.cpp'
eCVirtualFileSystem::MountDir -> Succesfully mounted 'Data/Music' -> 'Data/Music', Z:#532 -> '.\kernel\ge_message.cpp'
eCVirtualFileSystem::MountDir -> Succesfully mounted 'SaveGame' -> 'SaveGame', Z:#532 -> '.\kernel\ge_message.cpp'
eCVirtualFileSystem::MountDir - Mount incremental pack file: d:\Program Files (x86)\Gothic III/Data/Speech_german.p00 for folder:#G3:/Data/Speech_german, Z:#532 -> '.\kernel\ge_message.cpp'
eCVirtualFileSystem::MountDir - Mount MOD pack file: d:\Program Files (x86)\Gothic III/Data/Speech_german.mod for folder:#G3:/Data/Speech_german, Z:#532 -> '.\kernel\ge_message.cpp'
eCVirtualFileSystem::MountDir -> Succesfully mounted 'Data/Speech_german' -> 'Data/Speech_german', Z:#532 -> '.\kernel\ge_message.cpp'
eCApplication::Create - can´t open local configfile ge3local.ini, using master config values 
, Z:#532 -> '.\kernel\ge_message.cpp'
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hardware information <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<, Z:#532 -> '.\kernel\ge_message.cpp'
OS version information:       6.1.7601 Service Pack 1, Z:#532 -> '.\kernel\ge_message.cpp'
Number of processors:         4, Z:#532 -> '.\kernel\ge_message.cpp'
Physical memory total:        8589139968, Z:#532 -> '.\kernel\ge_message.cpp'
Physical memory available:    6036160512, Z:#532 -> '.\kernel\ge_message.cpp'
Virtual memory total:         4294836224, Z:#532 -> '.\kernel\ge_message.cpp'
Virtual memory available:     3927089152, Z:#532 -> '.\kernel\ge_message.cpp'
PageFile memory total:        17176383488, Z:#532 -> '.\kernel\ge_message.cpp'
PageFile memory available:    14100901888, Z:#532 -> '.\kernel\ge_message.cpp'
Memory load:                  29 percent, Z:#532 -> '.\kernel\ge_message.cpp'
SSE available:                1, Z:#532 -> '.\kernel\ge_message.cpp'
SSE2 available:               1, Z:#532 -> '.\kernel\ge_message.cpp'
NX Flag available:            1, Z:#532 -> '.\kernel\ge_message.cpp'
RDTSC Flag available:         1, Z:#532 -> '.\kernel\ge_message.cpp'
Display settings:             1920x1080@60, Z:#532 -> '.\kernel\ge_message.cpp'
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<, Z:#532 -> '.\kernel\ge_message.cpp'
in module GFC.dll at 0023:004431F3
CFFGFCWnd::SetWindowTextA()+3 byte(s) 
0023:004431F3 (0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00818494 0x00000000) GFC.dll, CFFGFCWnd::SetWindowTextA()+3 byte(s) 
0023:FAFD4DFC (0x00718B1E 0x005D8010 0x00718B42 0x00718B54) <UNKNOWN> 
0023:00718B0C (0x00718B1E 0x005D8010 0x00718B42 0x00718B54) Game.dll, gCFocus_PS::Read()+26748 byte(s) 
0023:00718B0C (0x0078D560 0xD55C25FF 0x25FF0078 0x0078D558) Game.dll, gCFocus_PS::Read()+26748 byte(s) 
0023:25FF0078 (0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000) <UNKNOWN> 
EAX=0018E1D8  EBX=0000000F  ECX=00000000  EDX=00000001  ESI=00000001
EDI=F91168B0  EBP=D56425FF  ESP=D5642607  EIP=00000000  FLG=00210202
CS=0023   DS=002B  SS=002B  ES=002B   FS=0053  GS=002B 

Memory dump and statistics:
Memory statistics
Physical memory total:        8191 MB
Physical memory available:    5504 MB
Virtual  memory total:        4095 MB
Virtual  memory available:    3486 MB
PageFile memory total:        16380 MB
PageFile memory available:    13155 MB
Memory load:                  32 percent
SMALL / heaps:    45 blocks:  928247/1646768 memory:  74649340/ 77229416/152109056 (used/free/windows)
MID   / heaps:     1 blocks:      51/     54 memory:   1303552/  2890752/  4194304 (used/free/windows)
LARGE / heaps:     1 blocks:       1/      2 memory:   1359872/  1904640/   684032 (used/peek/largest free)
BUFFER / heaps:     1 blocks:       0/      2 memory:      0/ 14356/ 98304/ 98304 kB (used/peek/largest free/windows)
low fragment heap: true / allocs failed: 0/0 / last maxmimum block size: 0 / peak blocks allocated: 2 not empty! / block sizes: 544768<1359872


Log created at: 11:33:27 AM
NextLive is offline  

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