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REBOOT/Can't Tick the box/3rd second Freeze solutions

Discussion on REBOOT/Can't Tick the box/3rd second Freeze solutions within the General Gaming Discussion forum part of the General Gaming category.

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REBOOT/Can't Tick the box/3rd second Freeze solutions

1)Reboot/blue screen problems

If your computer reboots or get a blue screen, it's because u are using a duel core computer. Try Acpi mode.

ACPI MODE: Right click on "My computer" -> properties -> Hardware -> device manager -> click + box on "Computer" -> right click wat's in it (for ex. ACPI multiprocessor PC) -> update driver -> No not at this time -> install from a specific location -> don't search I will chooese the driver to install -> next -> click yes for restart. (PS: you may have to restart twice)

Go back from ACPI mode: Right click on "My computer" -> properties -> Hardware -> device manager -> click + box on "Computer" -> right click wat's in it (for ex.(Advanced Configuration and Power Interface (ACPI) PC) -> click properties -> driver -> roll back driver -> yes

2)Can't tick the box on thunder/radix engines

Open the moonlight engine in your radix/thunder engine folder first. This will configure the radix/thunder engine settings for you. Close it afterwards and open ur radix/thunder engine. Repeat ur everyday UCE methods. Open CT -> start game -> attach rakion.bin (2) after GG image disappears -> tick box -> close engine before second image comes up.

3) 3rd second Freeze Solutions

If your computer freezes on the third second (3 2 1 countdown of rakion), it's normal. But if u get it too often, it's because you are using vista. Vista is still unstable and not fully compatable with rakion yet. As a result, some memories could not be read and your game terminates. There are no solutions for this problem. However, if you are frustrated with the DCs during the stages, I recommand you to start any "Tower of Lumen" stages for 5 seconds before you do the stage u don't want to DC on. Of course, entering a none-Colvalt Peak/Tomb of Kings game is also an option if u can't do any "Tower of Luman" stages but it costs exp to return to waiting room.

4) Terminated due to an abnormal program

This msg appears either because u have an outdated UCE that has been patched by GG or u didn't close your engine. After u tick, close the engine before the second rakion image (loading model) comes up.

5) I DC in game! My rakion just closes without any error!

-Download TC REV 1176, it has abra1 and Kernelmoduleunloader
-Open ur up-to-date UCE folder's moon engine then thunder/radix engine
-close ur moon engine
-Open CT
-start game and wait until GG image disppears
-attach to rakion.bin(2)
-tick the box
-close the thunder/radix engine
-go to the TC REV 1176 folder and double click on Kernelmoduleunloader

thank me, but juz if i helped u!
jennfoong is offline  

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