Originally Posted by princeofpersia999
Oh my goodness. I am delighted by this..
EDIT: I'm kinda disapointed that there is no 1-hit kill feature..it's difficult to do ep.4 even on normal difficulty (using techs on ramar) also, level 30 techs don't work on razonde etc..only grants and megid appear to be level 30 in the technique menu. Hoping for improvement..
Broom's trainer has 1 hit kill by the way.
That is what Stat Hack is you ungrateful *****.
When you are in the start menu looking at your ATP, DFP, MST, ect. and you hit stat hack, all those should shoot up to 20000 except for ata (2000ish)
If it is blinking really fast then you need to unequip any stat raising units from your slots.
I was doing 6000 plus hit damage with my Fo.
Therefore RareSumos trainer has 1 hit kills and its free.
You really are an ungrateful selfish ******* who bites the hand that feeds.