ich wollte mal fragen ob noch jemand von euch Lunia spielt, und wenn ja wie habt ihr es runtergeladen, denn wen ich es runterladen will mit dem neuen Client, startet der Download einfach nicht.
Lunia 07/01/2011 - General Gaming Discussion - 0 Replies Would anyone spare some time on hacking this game? I'd realy apreciate. Or at least some hints about how to hack it xD.
Lunia? 07/21/2010 - Private Server - 4 Replies Is there a server emulator for Lunia anywhere that works? I have been reading and people say there is one, but I can't find anything.
Lunia 05/05/2010 - General Gaming Discussion - 0 Replies any private bot or hack somewhere for this game?