Paying $4.00USD Per Plat Uthgard Mid & WTB Uthgard Accts! 12/23/2012 - Trading - 6 Replies Hey guys, I really enjoy playing on Uthgard but dont have the the time to level toons or farm for plats. Therefore, I'm paying 4.00USD per plat via paypal for plats on Midgard.
I would like to buy the following Toons:
Lvl 50SB
lvl 50Ranger
Lvl 50Merc
Lvl 50 Hero
Lvl 50 Champion
WTT good ele lvl85(Gracia) for sorc/bers/hunter/archer at archon 10/31/2010 - Archlord Trading - 28 Replies Its a very good ele 2/4 cf realm + much other cf realms. The ele is pretty good for her lvl and got 80+seras lvl4. Also there are 1xgaudius ring 1x luke necklace, 1x union neck with black wings(lvl4? i dont remember now :>), 1xspiral ring, 1x proof of monarch and 1x proof of destroyer. Account comes with mail.
What i want for the Account:
As said
Sorc/Bers/hunter/archer/mage/knight at Archon server lvl80+ with equal gear
WC at Archon Server!(WC/PSC is preffered atm most !!) I just...
Make infinite gold with alch or alch/JC! 05/25/2009 - WoW Guides & Templates - 2 Replies Today we're gonna focus alittle on the lovely proffesion alchemy.
Alchemy has a lot of good money making recipes but we're gonna focus on a special one today.
The Earthsiege Diamond (Earthsiege Diamond - Thottbot: World of Warcraft)
This baby costs
1xEternal Fire
1xDark Jade
1xHuge Citrine
instant SLAM + Spell reflect in bers 03/18/2009 - WoW PServer Exploits, Hacks & Tools - 13 Replies work WOWSCAPE!:D
WPE filter for Spell reflect (cast Demoral shout, any stance)
for instant SLAM you must run WOW,CE and learn Improved Slam rank 2!
Alt+Tab in CheatEngine scan value 12330, then SELECT ALL items and copy to the adress list! then ALT+A, Change record-->Value 12862 and once again learn Improved Slam :)
sorry my bad english :):cool: