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Legend of Edda possible skills hack

Discussion on Legend of Edda possible skills hack within the General Coding forum part of the Coders Den category.

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Legend of Edda possible skills hack

Legend of Edda is a new mmorpg that just came out of closed beta. Its made by the creators of luna online and by poking around in the game file's memory before game guard has a chance to initialize and hide the process ( i pause everything) I found that this game accesses the skills and other ingame functions in a resource folder. the issue is...there is no resource folder. its a resource.pak file and after doing some research i learned its another form of archived files. I tried using winzip as recommended from another forum..and no luck. and i've also tried using wwpak as discussed here from another very old thread here. If anyone knows of other methods to access .pak files or might be able to open this game's .pak file or maybe has other hints to help me along learning how to gain access to its skills' .bin would be greatly appreciated. This seems like the right sections and I have read the rules for this section...and it matches what i need. help...not a direct request. I am a noob online game hacker and what i know and have learned have all been self experience and testing with trial and error, but this time even with google I have found no help towards cracking this .pak file. Well, thanks to all who try to help and I hope we can get this working. I am including the .pak file so that anyone may take it and mess with it. Also, if you do manage to open it feel free to work on opening the skills' .bin file...but if you open the .bin after opening the pak file...please let me try as well to open the .bin before you post the secret D: I am serious about learning and I would rather try first before learning from someone.
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Old 10/18/2010, 21:53   #2

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you'll need to step through the process , in order to find function that unpacks the file, by hooking it you can create an unpacker / packer to do whatever you had in your mind.
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Old 10/19/2010, 00:10   #3
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Thanks for the tip...i'll do some research on this and see if i can find anything on how to go about doing this and see if i can't come up with something ;D
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Old 10/24/2010, 02:38   #4
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Yeah why hasnt there been any hacks for Legend of Edda...........
or has there been hacks just no one has created a community for Legend of Edda yet.
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Old 10/24/2010, 06:21   #5
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I've already seen a hacker in game, using some sort of vac.
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Old 10/24/2010, 19:40   #6
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well...i'm actually trying to kick start legend of edda hacks because its a brand new game and I am smell all the possibilities...the issue is game guard. Its too much of a hassle for me to try to edit some memory values by pausing edda and game guard before they initialize...then edit some value while searching the memory, then hoping i get results. everything we need for some decent hacks is in the pak files. after several days of research combined with some intense college work...i've managed to find nothing on how to do what the mod here suggested. Though i did notice the autopatcher packs things into the pak files...if only i knew how to work with what it uses to encrypt the files and pack them.

I do know someone has successfully hacked obtaining bronze coins. these are used for dungeons and can earn you alot of exp, super nice items and alot of ingame money. you only get 5 bronze per day and it won't stack. but some guy was bragging how he has over 30 bronze and it was because he "lagged" as he claims. its complete bogus for his lie...but i think its pretty cool he managed to dupe them. i do know bronze can't be bought, traded, or found anywhere yet.
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Old 10/25/2010, 02:16   #7
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Everyones real private about there hacks. I saw a video of a person vaccing. thatd be siik if i could dupe xD
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Old 10/26/2010, 22:39   #8
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well...this weekend i'm going to do more poking far i've gotten the client to skip loading some files? and there are some %d and %s and other types of input value stuff...i'll see if i can make them do anything. first i need to learn which inputs are numbers and which ones are text and stuff. I did this once with another game and it involved a feature to level up pets using premium currency...i got it to search for people instead of a pet...sadly it can't be used to level people XD it was fun to get something to work funny though.
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Old 10/27/2010, 21:14   #9
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hahahahaa. i just discovered something that may be useful. When autopatching...i stpped it before it could pack the files...and it turns out i can copy and backup all files it tries to add to the client...this could be useful...edit the files then let the client pack them for us? not sure how editting would work for anything...but i suppose if they fix a hack in a file this might prove useful to undo their fix. i've even got my OB client backed up after the first patch...incase we find something and it got fixed. as i always say...if it can be made it can be broken...but i think the fact that the files originally come in zip format then get packed into the pak files might work to our benefit to get files back in...or even discovering how it packs so we can make an unpacker...but how to do that is beyond my knowledge area
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Old 10/28/2010, 03:44   #10
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can u make a skin for the interface?
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Old 10/28/2010, 17:21   #11
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i'm not sure...i've played a few games where there was an ability to make a custom interface...but i guess it depends if the stuff for the interface is integrated into the autopatcher or if the files for its image are accessible...i've never made a custom interface before because I never really thought about it. if I have time today i'll see if i can find where the interface display comes from.
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Old 10/31/2010, 18:49   #12
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Yes it would be possible to make a skin. just edit the .tif file. I am not asking me to make the skin wouldn't be a smart idea. the .tif file is called loe_body. its located in Legend of Edda/Data/Launcher folder
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Old 11/02/2010, 10:31   #13
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so this is the file that gets hidden when the game starts? i'm not great at unpacking /repacking files but i'll do some research. if possible my intentions for this would be editing the monsters output damage; similar process of editing the monsters from maple story (monster.wz) then repacking.
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Old 11/03/2010, 10:25   #14
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did you bypass gg?
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Old 11/03/2010, 21:18   #15
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Currently no...working on it..maybe. I need to bypass GG if i plan on maybe using wpe, CE or botting...which actually i am not into botting or using CE in mmorpgs. WPE might be useful...but then idk for what...because if i tried it with quests they'd easily be able to ban if they have well kept logs on completed quests. i'm really mostly interested in how much of this game is client based ( yes CE would do a good job, but its not the best...need editting each time) and what i could do to make it better for myself...without running the quality of playing an mmorpg for the reason i play them...just meeting new people and bonding with them. plus if the game ever screwed me over i want a trump card to be able to cause mass havoc to the game staff and the people in the game...and hopefully ruin sales for a while XD

haha ;D well...having an upacker/repacker would be nice...but i've hit the jackpot. I've figured out how use the client patcher to obtain every file i want forcing it to download it all...then i just saved the zip archive. if i ever need to edit something and put it in...all i need to do is put everything in crrect flder directories and the client patches it in for me. kind of nice...but annoying XD if anyone does make a depaker i'd still appreciate it though.
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edda online, game hack, legend of edda, skills hack

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