Original Shaiya data.sah and data.saf 08/13/2014 - Shaiya - 3 Replies can someone send them to me please? if not, can somone send me the files for lvls 50+ armors of light and fury?
[Release] +5500 Packets structure , client/packets constants 10/07/2012 - CO2 PServer Guides & Releases - 10 Replies edit : if u know nothing about packets go to this post first
explaining what is packets , and explaining a packet with details and everything
http://www.elitepvpers.com/forum/co2-pserver-disc ussions-questions/2162344-packets-packets-packets. html#post19074533
i start making my very own packet structure to use them on my new proxy but i thought of ripping them from the source
so yeah the following packets is ripped of trinity base source
right now im just providing the packets structure...
Packets packets packets... 10/06/2012 - CO2 Private Server - 13 Replies I have been struggling to understand what is a Packet how could i create one with the data i want then send it to my server
So please any one tell if as example i want to send some info from my client to my server, then handle them from the server
how could i do that
: i have my socket server, also i don't wanna copy and paste codes i want to UNDERSTAND.
My PacketReader.cs
[Packets] Wie änder ich flyff packets? 07/16/2011 - Flyff Private Server - 19 Replies HeyHo,
Ich würde sehr gerne wissen wie man die Flyff Packets ändert...
ich denke mal Zahlen ändern werden nicht ausreichen oder?