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Reverse engineering question....

Discussion on Reverse engineering question.... within the General Coding forum part of the Coders Den category.

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Question Reverse engineering question....

Hello, im sort of new here (und ich sprecke nicht so toll deutsch), but ive read postes and such... but i come today with a few questions if anyone is willing to take the time to help me out then that would be great! My question deals with a game called Golf King, very old but i wish to further the advancement into bring it back..... but i get one of those annoying messages, that you get when you start the exe directly (when your suppose to goto the website and run from there, but since dead cant do that) Heres the error:

Here is the log file that game spits out at me (with in the quotes):

"[18]MILESTONE g3dApp.Create - Begin()
[18]MILESTONE Client Region: KOREAN Ver: 0.34f

[18]MILESTONE Window mode
[18]MILESTONE Non-Safe mode
[18]MILESTONE g3dApp.Create - End()
[18]MILESTONE Cleanup3DEnvironment()
[18]MILESTONE FinalCleanup()

And then when i tried to dig around in ollydbg and get around this message i got this screen:

And I also go a log file for this, but it was completely the same as i saw:

"[18]MILESTONE g3dApp.Create - Begin()
[18]MILESTONE Client Region: KOREAN Ver: 0.34f

[18]MILESTONE Window mode
[18]MILESTONE Non-Safe mode
[18]MILESTONE g3dApp.Create - End()
[18]MILESTONE Cleanup3DEnvironment()
[18]MILESTONE FinalCleanup()

At the end of all this a file called g3d_log.txt was created (well it was there from the begining), i feel like it changed after i got it to change to that purple (failed to draw graphics (i think)) screen. But the log said:

"9858.69> CD3DApplication::Create - Create Direct3DCreate9
9858.73> CD3DApplication::Create - Enumerate Device
9858.80> CD3DApplication::Create - Window Size 800 600
9858.90> G3dApplication::MsgProc - SIZE_RESTORED
9858.90> CD3DApplication::MsgProc - WM_SIZE
9858.90> CD3DApplication::Create - Window Client Width 800, Height 600
0.00> OneTimeSceneInit
0.11> Initialize3DEnvironment
0.22> GoView(7)::RestoreDeviceObjects
0.22> GoView(14)::RestoreDeviceObjects
0.23> CD3DApplication::Pause - 0
3.35> Render3DEnvironment - Present D3DERR_DEVICELOST
4.46> CD3DApplication::Reset3DEnvironment
4.46> GoView(7)::InvalidateDeviceObjects
4.46> GoView(14)::InvalidateDeviceObjects
4.56> GoView(7)::RestoreDeviceObjects
4.56> GoView(14)::RestoreDeviceObjects
4.57> CD3DApplication::Reset3Denvironment - Succeded!
7.30> GoView(7)::InvalidateDeviceObjects
7.30> GoView(14)::InvalidateDeviceObjects
7.30> GoResourceManager::OffscreenSurface::~OffscreenSur face GRES_OFFSCREENSURFACE_100_20_D3DFMT_A8R8G8B8_D3DPO OL_SYSTEMMEM

7.30> GoResourceManager::OffscreenSurface::~OffscreenSur face GRES_OFFSCREENSURFACE_100_20_D3DFMT_X8R8G8B8_D3DPO OL_SYSTEMMEM

7.30> GoView(7):eleteDeviceObjects
7.30> GoView(14):eleteDeviceObjects
7.30> GoResourceManager::OffscreenSurface::~OffscreenSur face GRES_OFFSCREENSURFACE_768_768_D3DFMT_A8R8G8B8_D3DP OOL_SYSTEMMEM

7.30> GoResourceManager::OffscreenSurface::~OffscreenSur face GRES_OFFSCREENSURFACE_768_768_D3DFMT_X8R8G8B8_D3DP OOL_SYSTEMMEM

7.31> CD3DApplication::MsgProc - Handle WM_CLOSE
7.31> CD3DApplication::Cleanup3DEnvironment"

Those smile faces shouldn't be there, what actually is there is: (7):: DeleteDevi....... (with out the space in between the : and D)
this also applies to the other smile face: (14):: DeleteDevi....... (again with out the space in between the : and D)
Ok to finish up id like someone to look at this assembly code, ill paste a bunch around that message, because i dont think it goes far from the ascii, here:

For all the jumps in the picture here:

0040D070 ---> 0040D07F=DangGol.0040D07F

0040D07F ---> Jump from 0040D070

0040D0AA ---> 0040D0EE=DangGol.0040D0EE

0040D0BB ---> 0040D0C2=DangGol.0040D0C2

0040D0C0 ---> 0040D0C5=DangGol.0040D0C5

0040D0C2 ---> Jump from 0040D0BB

0040D0C5 ---> Jump from 0040D0C0

0040D0DD ---> 0040D106=DangGol.0040D106

0040D0EC ---> 0040D106=DangGol.0040D106

0040D0EE ---> Jump from 0040D0AA

0040D106 ---> Jumps from 0040D0DD, 0040D0EC

0040D116 ---> 0040D434=DangGol.0040D434

0040D11B ---> Jump from 0040D029

0040D136 ---> 0040D141=DangGol.0040D141

0040D13F ---> 0040D143=DangGol.0040D143

0040D141 ---> Jump from 0040D136

0040D143 ---> Jump from 0040D13F

All i wish to know is why im getting the purple screen and how i can get it to all work..... that assembly code is untouched (its from the exe and hasnt been edited) so i wish if maybe someone could help in getting ride of that error message... if you need the exe ill upload it Thank you

nerdyguy64 is offline  

errors, golf king, private server, reverse engineering

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