"For the time being, our focus is on the Wii U hardware, but Nintendo as a whole has groups working on ideas for new hardware systems. While we're busy working on software for the Wii U, we have production lines that are working on ideas for what the next system might be."Despite the planning of a new generation, focus remains on the Wii U. Nintendo wants a "robust software line-up" for it and new games should furthermore be developed.
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Wii U started on December 30th, 2012 in Europe and Xbox One of Microsoft and PlayStation 4 of Sony are in direct competition with Nintendo. With the controller, that has a touchscreen you have two screens for the video display.
Worldwide, 6,8 millions consoles of the eighth generation were sold (June 2014), but PlayStation 4 with 16 millions and Xbox One with 9,1 millions celebrate a major success.
Original Source: Nintendo: Neue Konsole bereits in Arbeit?