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Call of Duty 2014: Job Offering Reveals Possible Features
Discussion on Call of Duty 2014: Job Offering Reveals Possible Features within the Gaming News - EN forum part of the Gaming News category.
03/05/2014, 22:27
elite*gold: 56
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Call of Duty 2014: Job Offering Reveals Possible Features
Just a few weeks ago it was announced that development studio Sledgehammer Games is going to produce the new Call of Duty game this year. There has been much speculation about which features the new CoD title could contain and whether the graphic is advanced compared to the previous versions. The VFX job offering by Sledgehammer might provide an insight into the new weather system and various in-game effects, as the future VFX artist is said to specialise in these tasks:
"The candidates will have the opportunity to contribute in various areas of in-game effects including but not excluding weaponry effects, vehicle destruction, large-scaled rigid body simulations and environmental effects such as fire, smoke, water, and weather system."
After Activision has given its attention to PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 with Call of Duty: Ghosts, the focus is now on next-gen consoles. In this respect, the new candidate should have knowledge of "Next Gen Visual Effect Development" and should also be familiar with limitations of Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3. When exactly the newest version will come into the market is not certain. Nevertheless, current gen consoles, PC, Xbox One as well as PlayStation 4 players can be happy.
Do you think that the VFX job offering has revealed a part of the coming new features? Do you look forward to the next version? Share your opinion!
03/06/2014, 15:23
elite*gold: 1804
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I doubt that there will be a noticeable change, they'll stick to what they've done the past few years and announce it as if it is something revolutionary.
03/06/2014, 23:28
elite*gold: 0
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This game hasn't been any good after the United Offensive expansion. Modern Warfare was playable for a few months, but wasn't really good.
03/07/2014, 13:16
elite*gold: 0
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they keep copying the same game with different textures... kinda sad
03/10/2014, 14:10
elite*gold: 5
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I still play the occasional Modern Warfare 2/3 on Xbox 360 now, but most other games (aside from CoD 3, WaW and Cod4) are utter garbage. Since Black Ops, I have no hope for future Call of Duties.
03/11/2014, 21:54
elite*gold: 0
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mw 1 , 2 3 and call of duty 1 2 were good games
but ghost was fail for me
maybe they release mw4
03/30/2014, 19:47
elite*gold: 0
Join Date: Mar 2008
Posts: 327
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Originally Posted by KING OF THE NFS WORLD
mw 1 , 2 3 and call of duty 1 2 were good games
but ghost was fail for me
maybe they release mw4
or they could add maps and more updates to previous versons, along with graphical update (which could be optional).
or pay all the money you may have to moneygreedy developers for each "new" game of theirs.
black ops : 267
MW 332
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