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The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing teaser trailer launched

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The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing teaser trailer launched

Yesterday, NeocoreGames launched the teaser trailer for their latest game, The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing. The game is based loosely off of Bram Stroker’s Dracula, reinventing the scenario and giving youth to Van Helsing.

The trailer gives us a quick look at what we can assume is Dracula and the young Van Helsing, facing off in a kingdom known as Borgovia, located in the depths of Eastern Europe. The trailer hasn’t had a great reception from YouTube goers, who slight it, saying the game looks too anime-esque to really show the darkness that the story could, or maybe should entail. I can’t quite say they’re wrong to do so, the game does look like a dodgy Final Fantasy and Van Helsing has an odd boyishly-handsome look to him, but that’s not to say that the game itself will actually be bad. The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker is a prime example of a game that had a bad initial reception because of its cel shaded graphics, and turned out to amaze players with it’s beautiful scenery and gripping gameplay. Can we expect the same from The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing? I certainly hope so.

The game would seem to focus around a protagonist-antagonist styled plot set in a modernised fantasy world, with imaginative technology and creatures placed throughout. The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing is an action-RPG title due for release in Q4 2012, and shows some potential from the trailer, but we’ll have to wait to see more details about the game before we can really judge for ourselves.

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The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing teaser trailer launched-incredible-adventures-van-helsing-logo.jpg  
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Old 05/31/2012, 13:42   #2
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Looks like Van Helsing looked like an elf in his youth..
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Old 05/31/2012, 13:49   #3
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manga van helsing lol
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dracula, neocoregames, van helsing

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