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Hitman Absolution

Discussion on Hitman Absolution within the Game Reviews forum part of the Reviews category.

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Hitman Absolution


Following what happened in a previous game of the Hitman Saga, Hitman Bloody Money, Diana Burnwood, who works for the Agency reveals against it, sabotaging the database and exposing the whole Agency to the public.

This situation caused the Agency to practically disappears, yet it got built back, under the authority of Bejamin Travis, who assigns Agent 47 to the task of assassinate Diana, and bring a second girl named Victoria to the Agency.

Agent 47 takes the job and goes to Diana's location, where he finds her, and shoots her, leaving an injury that would allow her to live some more minutes... While agonizing, Diana asks Agent 47 to take a letter she wrote, and to protect Victoria from the Agency, as she is going to be used the same way 47 is.

From this point on, the only task of the Agent 47 is to protect his new objective, Victoria. The best way to accomplish this is by hiding her, and he does this, in an orphanage.

To gather information about Victoria, 47 starts to spy on Blake Dexter, CEO of Dexter Industries, who says he has a lot more information about Victoria than he could imagine. During this task, 47 gets to know that Dexter is planning to kidnap and auction Victoria, something he can't allow to happen.

Unfortunately, Victoria is kidnapped from the orphanage, and a whole new objective appears, so save her.

During this new objective, Agent 47 has multiple encounters with Dexter's associates, including his only son, Lenny. To finally get to know that Victoria is kept in Dexter Industries Headquarters, so 47 gets to travel, stealth through a huge amount of opponents and assassinate quite some people on his way in order to find and save Victoria, from both, being auctioned, and even the Agency.


The gameplay of this game is, basically, what we are used to when it comes to Hitman. You will find crowded areas, in which you will need to avoid being seen by your enemies, find different ways to complete your objectives, and decide if you want to be silent, and make a clean assassination of your target, or go all "Rambo" on your opponents, killing everyone on your way.

There's a new system on this game, called "Instinct", which comes in handy when you are seeking for your objectives, and if you want to avoid some of your enemies, as it will show where are they going to move, and the objectives will be marked in red.

As well, while using your instinct, there's a new "Tag & Kill" system, which slows time on a way that you can aim (or mark) your objectives, so that when you deactivate it, Agent 47 will shoot his weapon(s) and kill everyone you have marked (if aimed correctly, obviously)

Personal Opinion/Rating

The game doesn't really take that long to beat; my first play-through took me 18 hours of gameplay, playing it using the "Stealth-style". It was an outstanding work from IO on every sense, storyline traps you, and makes you want to keep playing just to get to know how the plot continues, how will everything end and so on; graphically, the game was done perfectly, a lot to explore, many little details that you will find over the story, everything was perfectly applied to the game.

I love the fact that there are so many ways to accomplish your tasks, you can either go Stealth, trying not to kill anyone, and not to be seen to end up assassinating your objective to then walk away without anyone noticing, or go all-in, killing everyone you see, causing chaos everywhere you go, it all depends on your gaming style...and your mood....

There's also the "Contracts" option, in which players get to create their own contracts, and put them online for other players to accomplish the task and earn money to upgrade their weapons; I personally don't think I am that good at this game; therefore, I haven't played this game mode that much, but it brings even more hours of playing, as well as the competitiveness of players, as everyone will try to become the ultimate Agent.

My rating for this game is an 8 out of 10, simply because I never get caught so much on the plot of a game, and this one got me addicted to it, always thinking on ways to accomplish the tasks I was given, the way in which you need almost a perfect timing if you want to finish this game using a stealth style, is simply amazing, and how everything evolves over time, it feels like the whole world is thinking, and that they are humans...This game definitely deserves to be played by everyone!
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6 Users
Old 04/26/2013, 19:16   #2
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Just bought it a few weeks ago! Fuc*, dat game is awesome!

btw: nice review haha
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Old 04/27/2013, 00:34   #3

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I only played the first part and I really liked the story line, I should buy the complete package when it is on sale

There's also the "Contracts" option, in which players get to create their own contracts, and put them online for other players to accomplish the task and earn money to upgrade their weapons; I personally don't think I am that good at this game; therefore, I haven't played this game mode that much, but it brings even more hours of playing, as well as the competitiveness of players, as everyone will try to become the ultimate Agent.
This part sounds really interesting, never heard of a similar feature.
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Old 04/28/2013, 00:22   #4

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great fortune compared to the previous versions.
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Old 04/28/2013, 12:50   #5
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looks awesome 10 / 10 would buy
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Old 05/03/2013, 17:43   #6
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Very nice review.
I love it
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Old 12/14/2013, 14:35   #7
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Awesome Review. Gonna try it.
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Old 12/14/2013, 15:28   #8
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Not allowed to push old threads like this.

05-03-2013, 17:43
was the last post.

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