--- Aimbot ---
Player Aimbot: Enable/disable aimbot on players
Aim at downed players: Enable/disable aimbot on downed players/AIs
AI Aimbot: Enable/disable aimbot on bots
Aim Bone: Pick which bone the aimbot aims for [head, neck, chest, pelvis, closest to cursor]
Aimbot Smoothing: The overall smoothness of the aimbot. Lower smoothness = faster aimbot, with 1.0 being a full lock.
^ NOTE: Lower smoothness should only be used with a somewhat higher aimbot slowness, otherwise the aimbot will flick everywhere.
Aimbot Slowness: The input update delay of the aimbot. Lower slowness = snappier aimbot.
^ NOTE: The formula for delay is as follows: Send aimbot input every (1000 * Slowness) microseconds. 1000 microseconds = 1 millisecond.
Try to make it so the aimbot slowness is greater than or equal to around 3/4 of your FPS frame time (frame time = 1000 / FPS)
Aimbot FOV: The field-of-view from the center of the window in which the aimbot can lock on to targets.
Max Aimbot Distance: The maximum distance that the aimbot can lock onto targets.
Cursor Aimbot Activation Key: The key which needs to be pressed to activate closest-to-cursor aimbot.
NOTE: Closest-to-cursor aimbot always targets the enemy whose chest is closest to the center of the window, inside the FOV.
Distance Aimbot Activation Key: The key which needs to be pressed to activate closest-by-distance aimbot.
NOTE: This aimbot prioritizes enemies by distance from your player, rather than distance from the center of the window.
Advanced Smooth Settings: Enables/disables 5 extra sliders for smoothness for each weapon type (shotgun, smg, rifle, sniper, others)
--- Visuals ---
Player ESP: Enable/disable any ESP drawing on players
Player Distance: Max distance to draw any ESP on players
Box ESP: Draws a box around players (cannot be used with corner esp). Color customizable.
Corner ESP: Draws a box with only the corners around players. Color customizable.
Player Radar: A point-of-view based radar which shows players near you in all directions. Position, size, and distances can be customized.
Held Weapon ESP: ESP of the current gun which a player is holding. Color changes based on rarity.
Ammo Count ESP: Also shows the ammo count of the gun they are holding. Usually shows 0 if it's not a weapon.
Reloading ESP: Gives enemies a "RELOADING" tag if they are reloading their current weapon.
Distance ESP: Draws the distance of the enemy (in meters) away from you.
Line ESP: Draws a line from either the top or bottom of the screen to the top-middle of the enemy's screen box. Color customizable.
Line Opacity By Distance: Changes the opacity of the lines based on ratios of their distance to you, compared to other enemies.
Skeleton ESP: Draws an enemy's skeleton. Color customizable.
Platform ESP: Draws an enemy's platform (ex: PS4, Switch, PC). "Unknown" means it's not Windows or one of the major consoles.
Bot ESP: Enable/disable any ESP drawing on bots
Bot Distance: Max distance to draw and ESP on bots
Bot Tags: Draw "BOT" esp tag on each bot.
Box Esp: Draw box esp on AIs (cannot be used with corner esp). Color customizable, but same as in Player ESP.
Corner Esp: Draw corner esp on AIs. Color customizable, but same as in Player ESP.
Aimbot Target Line: Draws a line from the center of the window to the closest-to-cursor enemy.
Item ESP: Enable/disable ESP on items. Customizable rarity and distance sliders.
Input Filter: Only shows ESP on items containing the input text. Case-insensitive.
Vehicle ESP: Enable/disable ESP on any vehicles.
Car ESP: Toggle ESP on cars/semi-trucks.
Boat ESP: Toggle ESP on boats.
Quadcrasher ESP: Toggle ESP on quadcrashers.
Vehicle Distance: The maximum distance to draw ESP on vehicles.
Chest ESP: Enable/disable ESP on chests. Comes with a distance slider.
Llama ESP: Enable/disable ESP on llamas. Comes with a distance slider, and render view distance heavily affects this.
--- Exploits ---
Disable Max Vehicle Speeds: Allows you to build up more speed than normal in vehicles.
NOTE: This involves exponential speed change, so be careful. 100 can go to 300 very fast.
Change Vehicle Weight: Enable/disable changing vehicle weight of your current vehicle. Comes with 2 possible hotkeys and sliders.
NOTE: Negative means "increase gravity" and positive means "decrease gravity". Anything above zero means you will go up.
NOTE 2: Do not slam into anything too fast, or you will fall through the ground. Also, there is a height limit, so you may die if you go too high.
Sniper/Bow Bullet TP: Enable/disable teleporting your projectiles into people. Only works on some projectiles (snipers, bows, lever action rifle)
Activation Key: The key you must press for the bullet to teleport. The bullet teleports to the closest-to-cursor person within your aimbot FOV.
Instant Reload: Enable/disable instant reload. Does not work with shotguns.
Vehicle TP: Experimental vehicle teleportation.
Activation Key: The key you must press for your vehicle to teleport.
NOTE: Doing a quick press will teleport you to the player and quickly teleport back. This means you can heavily damage players
if you are moving at high speeds. However, doing a longer press can result in your vehicle being heavily damaged and potentially
you could fully teleport to them. If you change seats or exit the vehicle while teleporting, you will 100% fully teleport to them.
--- Misc ---
Draw Cheat FPS: Enable/disable the drawing of cheat overlay FPS.
Draw Aimbot FOV: Enable/disable the drawing of the aimbot FOV. Color customizable.
Save/load config: Saves or loads your current settings to your desktop file path, with the name specified.
NOTE: These still always work after the cheat updates.
Kill switch: Turns the cheat completely off, and you have to restart for it to work again.