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Discussion on 🎁 UPDATED and UD | BETTERCHEATS #1 FORTNITE CHEAT - 120K VIEWS - 5+ YEAR SELLER 🎅 within the Fortnite Trading forum part of the Shooter Trading category.

Old 04/05/2022, 11:58   #436 Trade Status: Unverified(?)

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Because of my boredom, started playing FN, anyhow i stumble upon Cheating.Win

So the story goes like this:

- I go to their website, checking the stats page and i see the FN Legit External is Green, yeeey, imma buy 1 day key to test, so 10$ is nothing much, so i give it a try, in game no visuals showing, aimbot doesnt work, i am curious of what is happening, then i receive a nice ban stamp on my ****, this doesnt matter it was a dummy account, tbh honest i dont even give a **** about the game.

- Contact support, telling them whats happening, they say its updating, and i say but it shows green on stats page why didnt you change it? not many using discord and they depend on the website stats page to see if a cheat is online

Or when you are updating your cheat, why not disable the loader that no one can able to inject the cheat while its updating, some people just get on their PC after a tiring day, they just want to have some fun and bam you are banned, why? cheat is updating, ok then why not disable the ******* injection? Is it that hard?

Anyhow, they announce the cheat is updated today, and the keys unfrozen, goooood, here you go new account, then i see the visuals arent working again but The cheat menu shows, again same issue i am confused, then again ban, then i realize when i was away the game got another 2.30 gb update, and they didnt even announce it or disable the loader

Now the cheat is updating and this is the stats showing on their DC and Website, and they dont even disable their loader to keep their customers safe.

I am not here to down you, you try your best to support and give a safe cheat, but not everyone wants or have time to hop in into website or discord to check the stats even the stats page is not being updated in the 1st place, is it so hard to disable the ability to inject while the cheat is updating?

Hope you consider this issues, if you change it then its for better, but remember i am not here to bash you even though i am ****** that i cant get a proper FN cheat, which i dont need it anymore, the game is **** anyways
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Old 04/05/2022, 15:46   #437

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Originally Posted by DariXOne View Post
Because of my boredom, started playing FN, anyhow i stumble upon Cheating.Win

So the story goes like this:

- I go to their website, checking the stats page and i see the FN Legit External is Green, yeeey, imma buy 1 day key to test, so 10$ is nothing much, so i give it a try, in game no visuals showing, aimbot doesnt work, i am curious of what is happening, then i receive a nice ban stamp on my butt, this doesnt matter it was a dummy account, tbh honest i dont even give a damn about the game.

- Contact support, telling them whats happening, they say its updating, and i say but it shows green on stats page why didnt you change it? not many using discord and they depend on the website stats page to see if a cheat is online

Or when you are updating your cheat, why not disable the loader that no one can able to inject the cheat while its updating, some people just get on their PC after a tiring day, they just want to have some fun and bam you are banned, why? cheat is updating, ok then why not disable the goddamn injection? Is it that hard?

Anyhow, they announce the cheat is updated today, and the keys unfrozen, goooood, here you go new account, then i see the visuals arent working again but The cheat menu shows, again same issue i am confused, then again ban, then i realize when i was away the game got another 2.30 gb update, and they didnt even announce it or disable the loader

Now the cheat is updating and this is the stats showing on their DC and Website, and they dont even disable their loader to keep their customers safe.

I am not here to down you, you try your best to support and give a safe cheat, but not everyone wants or have time to hop in into website or discord to check the stats even the stats page is not being updated in the 1st place, is it so hard to disable the ability to inject while the cheat is updating?

Hope you consider this issues, if you change it then its for better, but remember i am not here to bash you even though i am pissed that i cant get a proper FN cheat, which i dont need it anymore, the game is shit anyways
Sorry about that. Due to Fortnite releasing two close together updates this caused the error.
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Old 04/18/2022, 12:39   #438 Trade Status: Unverified(?)
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I also want to sell my lifetime sp00fer. let me know if anyone need. BTC ONLY!!!
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Old 04/20/2022, 06:22   #439 Trade Status: Unverified(?)
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Wouldn't recommend you guys purchase from these kids. The owners are very negative and the devs take weeks to update their clients. All of their legit clients are detected as of 2 weeks ago and the devs are constantly trying to defend their client. I proved that legit external was detected by spoofing on a fresh install of windows and tested with no cheats for 3+ days to make sure I wouldn't get banned by tracers or by my hwid being blacklisted. I then loaded legit external and got banned within 3 days. I reported this to the owner and I got both demoted and banned from the server. Level also told us to delete any bad reviews on the client so that new users would assume it has good rep (trust me it doesn't).


him telling us to delete the bad reviews:

him demoting and banning me for reporting that its detected (and that users have been complaining about this for weeks):
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Old 04/20/2022, 07:32   #440 Trade Status: Unverified(?)
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Support is also horrible.

Proof of purchase:

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Old 04/21/2022, 01:05   #441

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Originally Posted by Strydemotion View Post
Wouldn't recommend you guys purchase from these kids. The owners are very negative and the devs take weeks to update their clients. All of their legit clients are detected as of 2 weeks ago and the devs are constantly trying to defend their client. I proved that legit external was detected by spoofing on a fresh install of windows and tested with no cheats for 3+ days to make sure I wouldn't get banned by tracers or by my hwid being blacklisted. I then loaded legit external and got banned within 3 days. I reported this to the owner and I got both demoted and banned from the server. Level also told us to delete any bad reviews on the client so that new users would assume it has good rep (trust me it doesn't).


him telling us to delete the bad reviews:

him demoting and banning me for reporting that its detected (and that users have been complaining about this for weeks):
I don't think you understand how EPVP operates, it's not a forum to post your personal grievances on when you didn't even trade with me. We demoted you from staff because you were being constantly negative in the community and your activity just wasn't adequate. I'd think you'd agree you weren't solving tickets at all?

Also, the "deleting bad reviews" thing was a joke. It's a shame that you're so mad with us that you'd take that out of context because there it's a fact that there are no reviews you can delete. We don't have Discord reviews, you don't personally have access to any "reviews", so what reviews would you delete? None.

Being banned within three days is concerning but we don't know how you played. Three days to me doesn't say it's detection as I would expect you to be banned sooner. For a rage cheat, three days is quite a long time considering the high amount of features we include.

Originally Posted by jacker818 View Post

Support is also horrible.

Proof of purchase:
It's currently down, I don't know how you could have tested. All keys are frozen. Discord support honestly just isn't the best so we're releasing a new website soon with a ticket system, this should speed things up.
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Old 04/21/2022, 01:57   #442 Trade Status: Unverified(?)
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Originally Posted by disrupt View Post
It's currently down, I don't know how you could have tested. All keys are frozen. Discord support honestly just isn't the best so we're releasing a new website soon with a ticket system, this should speed things up.
I tested it before it went down smart ***.
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Old 04/21/2022, 05:55   #443 Trade Status: Unverified(?)
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Originally Posted by disrupt View Post
I don't think you understand how EPVP operates, it's not a forum to post your personal grievances on when you didn't even trade with me. We demoted you from staff because you were being constantly negative in the community and your activity just wasn't adequate. I'd think you'd agree you weren't solving tickets at all?

Also, the "deleting bad reviews" thing was a joke. It's a shame that you're so mad with us that you'd take that out of context because there it's a fact that there are no reviews you can delete. We don't have Discord reviews, you don't personally have access to any "reviews", so what reviews would you delete? None.

Being banned within three days is concerning but we don't know how you played. Three days to me doesn't say it's detection as I would expect you to be banned sooner. For a rage cheat, three days is quite a long time considering the high amount of features we include.

It's currently down, I don't know how you could have tested. All keys are frozen. Discord support honestly just isn't the best so we're releasing a new website soon with a ticket system, this should speed things up.
Level was referring to the chat server where ppl were giving bad reviews. Why do you think ppl were making tickets right after in our main server complaining they got banned from the chat server? And when have I ever been negative to anybody? If anything, i've gotten negativity towards me. Every staff member other than the devs and you + level have all known me has a laid back person. I even made a gitbook for new staff members + added to xsi's txt document which provided fixes for common issues... Its just a coincidence you would demote me after I prove my point of unknown's client being detected. Its been known for weeks but unknown is in denial. Dude still uses his flushfilebuffer method which gets flagged by EAC in a matter of hours and already checked by bastian's AC. His method has been public for months.
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Old 04/21/2022, 15:04   #444

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Originally Posted by jacker818 View Post
I tested it before it went down smart ***.
I'm not a mind reader, I can't tell when you purchased. You posted this when the product was down so how am I to know better?

Originally Posted by aiimstarx59 View Post
Well he's right I have already complained several times why I was banned after 5-10 minutes from the game and the support answers me the same problem although I did it right, plus you banned customer discord away if you write something negative very bad support to the cheat is detected although I was told that it supposedly works

U Block me proof:
You purchased from someone else, not me. I don't personally give support in that scenario.
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Old 04/21/2022, 15:12   #445

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Originally Posted by Strydemotion View Post
Level was referring to the chat server where ppl were giving bad reviews. Why do you think ppl were making tickets right after in our main server complaining they got banned from the chat server? And when have I ever been negative to anybody? If anything, i've gotten negativity towards me. Every staff member other than the devs and you + level have all known me has a laid back person. I even made a gitbook for new staff members + added to xsi's txt document which provided fixes for common issues... Its just a coincidence you would demote me after I prove my point of unknown's client being detected. Its been known for weeks but unknown is in denial. Dude still uses his flushfilebuffer method which gets flagged by EAC in a matter of hours and already checked by bastian's AC. His method has been public for months.
None of what you're saying is logically adding up though, that's the issue. We didn't have reviews in the chat server at the time we posted that. Level said that in response to Freedominance post (which was deleted) in which he was" memeing".

I don't care if you made a document to help customers as your behavior was just toxic. We have every right not to have you on our staff team.

Also, if it's "detected" why did you post that you lasted three days? If it's detected "flagged by EAC in a matter of hours and already checked by bastian's AC" then why did you last three days and not three hours? You're just posting negative comments because you were banned from the server. It's that simple.

You're all talk and no proof.
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Old 04/21/2022, 15:18   #446

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Originally Posted by aiimstarx59 View Post
Is he your admin?
Admin of the server and a reseller, yes. I don't personally tend to give support as we have a full support team to do that for us. In your case I blocked you as you had already joined the hate train and decided to post negative feedback.

Your key is still working though. If you'd like to work things out then PM me on here.
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Old 04/22/2022, 02:30   #447 Trade Status: Unverified(?)
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Originally Posted by disrupt View Post
None of what you're saying is logically adding up though, that's the issue. We didn't have reviews in the chat server at the time we posted that. Level said that in response to Freedominance post (which was deleted) in which he was" memeing".

I don't care if you made a document to help customers as your behavior was just toxic. We have every right not to have you on our staff team.

Also, if it's "detected" why did you post that you lasted three days? If it's detected "flagged by EAC in a matter of hours and already checked by bastian's AC" then why did you last three days and not three hours? You're just posting negative comments because you were banned from the server. It's that simple.

You're all talk and no proof.

Since when was I negative as staff? You gotta be thinking of someone else. If anything, I've gotten negative feedback from 1-2 staff members for spreading "misinformation" when I've literally provided literal proof for my information (you check scroll up a bit in staff-chat to see).

And I don't think you understand how Fortnite cycles their AC's. They cycle between BE and EAC (sometimes randomly during the day or but normally from everyday or every other day). Bastian's AC can easily flag Unknown's driver and already knows about his method. BE itself is a broken AC an can take multiple cycles through drivers to find MajorFunctions in different patterns than where they're supposed to be. EAC on the other hand is coded by a team and has the funding and knowledge to know what they're doing (which is why Unknown's method gets you banned within hours). EAC is also known to delay bans after finding these hooks.
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Old 04/22/2022, 15:00   #448

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Originally Posted by Strydemotion View Post
Since when was I negative as staff? You gotta be thinking of someone else. If anything, I've gotten negative feedback from 1-2 staff members for spreading "misinformation" when I've literally provided literal proof for my information (you check scroll up a bit in staff-chat to see).

And I don't think you understand how Fortnite cycles their AC's. They cycle between BE and EAC (sometimes randomly during the day or but normally from everyday or every other day). Bastian's AC can easily flag Unknown's driver and already knows about his method. BE itself is a broken AC an can take multiple cycles through drivers to find MajorFunctions in different patterns than where they're supposed to be. EAC on the other hand is coded by a team and has the funding and knowledge to know what they're doing (which is why Unknown's method gets you banned within hours). EAC is also known to delay bans after finding these hooks.
You were negative and inactive, we don't want people sitting around doing nothing. There's no point. I know you're sad about being demoted. You were being rude to unknown also, that's one instance of your toxicity. If you had a point to address then you could have done so very easily without attacking someone. My DM's were open, but you never contacted me. You didn't bring up any points to any Admin+

You contributed very little as a staff member. You should have been demoted sooner but you said you had a help document coming out which is why I let you stay, as at least you would have contributed something. Why would you want to sit in a server with a support role but not contribute? that doesn't make sense to me.

I'm shocked that you'd try to flame a thread for being demoted, really just shows your true character and that we were more than right to ban you. Thanks for proving that. Go ahead and sell your HWID Spoofer, seems that's going well for you.

To customers:
Fortnite cheat is being updated. Thanks for your patience. We also have a new website in development which is releasing soon.

- You'll be able to signup and make an account and then access the dashboard
- From the dashboard, you'll have the ability to purchase credits using Cryptocurrency & Credit/Debit (Stripe)
- Support ticket system will all be located on the dashboard as well as logs of purchases and purchased keys
- Ability to transfer credits to users
- Discounts on bulk credit purchases
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Old 04/22/2022, 23:39   #449 Trade Status: Unverified(?)
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Originally Posted by disrupt View Post
You were negative and inactive, we don't want people sitting around doing nothing. There's no point. I know you're sad about being demoted. You were being rude to unknown also, that's one instance of your toxicity. If you had a point to address then you could have done so very easily without attacking someone. My DM's were open, but you never contacted me. You didn't bring up any points to any Admin+

You contributed very little as a staff member. You should have been demoted sooner but you said you had a help document coming out which is why I let you stay, as at least you would have contributed something. Why would you want to sit in a server with a support role but not contribute? that doesn't make sense to me.

I'm shocked that you'd try to flame a thread for being demoted, really just shows your true character and that we were more than right to ban you. Thanks for proving that. Go ahead and sell your HWID Spoofer, seems that's going well for you.

To customers:
Fortnite cheat is being updated. Thanks for your patience. We also have a new website in development which is releasing soon.

- You'll be able to signup and make an account and then access the dashboard
- From the dashboard, you'll have the ability to purchase credits using Cryptocurrency & Credit/Debit (Stripe)
- Support ticket system will all be located on the dashboard as well as logs of purchases and purchased keys
- Ability to transfer credits to users
- Discounts on bulk credit purchases
You gotta understand why I was flaming Unknown. The dude is trying to defend his cheat and claims its UD when its clearly not. I've shown him in the past that it was detected and he blamed it on other things. You gotta leave it offline until he fixes his driver issues. I honestly don't care that I was demoted. I was just confused on how trying to help the cheat business costs me my position. Please look into becoming more professional because what I saw while on this team makes me almost embarrassed that I was on the team in the first place. You guys have a bad rep and can easily fix it by first caring for customers.
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Old 04/22/2022, 23:43   #450

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Originally Posted by Strydemotion View Post
You gotta understand why I was flaming Unknown. The dude is trying to defend his cheat and claims its UD when its clearly not. I've shown him in the past that it was detected and he blamed it on other things. You gotta leave it offline until he fixes his driver issues. I honestly don't care that I was demoted. I was just confused on how trying to help the cheat business costs me my position. Please look into becoming more professional because what I saw while on this team makes me almost embarrassed that I was on the team in the first place. You guys have a bad rep and can easily fix it by first caring for customers.
You have one sale, we have thousands. There's clearly a reason for that. Please don't try and tell me how to run my brand. Hopefully you stop trashing my thread now.
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