Note: This bot is not intended for leveling since in this game mobs do not give enough EXP to do it. Its made to assist you when u want to take some free time doing other things. (not with the same computer, or bot will not work)
New version, fixed some bugs and added more functionality. It should work for everyone if instructions are followed correctly. Otherwise, please comment what is bot doing instead of "it's not working", so I could have an idea about what is going wrong with other people.
# Restore HP/MP When not fighting a mob using FOOD & DRINK
# HP/MP Potions usage has been disabled due to double exp weekend Icon that puts rubbish on that area. I'll fix it sooner.
# FOR TAMERS: Soul catching when targeting a soul mob instead of killing it. So it can be used as a bot for leveling tamer job.
# Pick up items each X mobs killed.
Instructions: 0. and Install AutoIt3
1. Configure at your own needs by editing config.au3
2. Right click main.au3 and select "Run Script"
3. Set game in "Maximized" mode. It will not work in any other mode since it is a pixel based bot.
4. Once ingame, select a mob and press F7 to update bot pixel colors with the ones you have. (This is made to solve the problem for people that says it is not functional).
5. Press key "PAUSE" to toggle pause. Initial bot state is paused.
6. Press "ESC" to quit bot.
Note: Once you pause the bot, if you want to deactivate the Auto HP/MP restore press F8
Thank to Symphony.11 for the . Which is not the current version tho. But the files are the same and are TEXT files, so it can't have virus in it.
guys how it work i download already what program u guys use to open it and shall i put those files inside forsaken world folder??
Instructions from readme.txt
1. Configure at your own needs by editing config.au3
2. Right click main.au3 and select "Run Script"
3. Set game in "Maximized" mode and press key "PAUSE" to toggle pause. Initial bot state is paused.
4. Press "ESC" to quit bot.
Tried to fix the problem some people had. But since no one has specified the problem I was a little bit blind when fixing it. Hope it works for everyone now. And please, if it not works for you, be a little more explanatory.
EDIT: After pausing the bot, press F8 to deactivate the usage of HP/MP potions, it seems to malfunction sometimes because the double exp shining icon. It is on my TODO list to fix it.
Tried to fix the problem some people had. But since no one has specified the problem I was a little bit blind when fixing it. Hope it works for everyone now. And please, if it not works for you, be a little more explanatory.
EDIT: After pausing the bot, press F8 to deactivate the usage of HP/MP potions, it seems to malfunction sometimes because the double exp shining icon. It is on my TODO list to fix it.
Sorry the "bug" was the bot not targeting monsters at all, can you make it able to run in windowed modes please? i'd like to leave my pc while this is running or be able to do something diffrent!
can you make it able to run in windowed modes please? i'd like to leave my pc while this is running or be able to do something diffrent!
There are two different types of bots, one, the packet based bot, that must be the same kind of bots you already used before since they don't need the window focus due to they send TCP/IP or UDP/IP packets instead of keystrokes and mouse clicks.
This one is a pixel based bot, which means that reads the pixel colors of the screen to know what to do. That also involves having the pixel positions in the same place as I have, so, everyone must set the game to maximized. In another hand, the window must have the focus so when the bot presses key [9] the game window will take it. Otherwise you will be sending the key [9] to firefox or whatever you were using. So if you want to do another thing, pause the bot and deactivate the auto HP/MP by pressing F8.
A packet bot could be done but Its 50 times harder to do since involves packet decryption and making a packet bridge in order to sniff packets and modify/send new ones. Google "wireshark" if you want to know more. Other games have open sourced packet bots you can take by reference.
And by the non-targeting issue, it should work if you follow instructions step-by-step.
EDIT: I know there's too many things to set up to get the bot running. I'll try to simplify this steps someday. I am sorry.
There are two different types of bots, one, the packet based bot, that must be the same kind of bots you already used before since they don't need the window focus due to they send TCP/IP or UDP/IP packets instead of keystrokes and mouse clicks.
This one is a pixel based bot, which means that reads the pixel colors of the screen to know what to do. That also involves having the pixel positions in the same place as I have, so, everyone must set the game to maximized. In another hand, the window must have the focus so when the bot presses key [9] the game window will take it. Otherwise you will be sending the key [9] to firefox or whatever you were using. So if you want to do another thing, pause the bot and deactivate the auto HP/MP by pressing F8.
A packet bot could be done but Its 50 times harder to do since involves packet decryption and making a packet bridge in order to sniff packets and modify/send new ones. Google "wireshark" if you want to know more. Other games have open sourced packet bots you can take by reference.
And by the non-targeting issue, it should work if you follow instructions step-by-step.
EDIT: I know there's too many things to set up to get the bot running. I'll try to simplify this steps someday. I am sorry.
Good work man, but one thing you are wrong about -
Autoit CAN send key presses to minimized windows:
Run("notepad", "", @SW_MINIMIZE)
WinWait("Untitled - Notepad")
ControlSend("Untitled - Notepad", "", "Edit1", "Sending text to a minimized window.")
Well, I didn't know that, Thank you. But anyway it can't read pixel color from a minimized window, so the bot must still use the maximized window state.
EDIT: Found another bug while toying with the game, maybe the cause most ppl thinks this bot does not work. Aspect Ratio.
Check out this pic:
Game GUI does not preserve distances among different resolutions. I'm using 1440x900 (16:10)
I'll be trying to fix this ASAP. Since most of you wouldn't want to play same resolution as me.