DIGIMON RPG 09/15/2011 - Private Server - 3 Replies Is there any digimon rpg freesahrd out?
Register Digimon 01/07/2010 - Foreign Games - 3 Replies How do I register for The digimon online game? I know I need a kssn and a name but how do i get one?
DIGIMON RPG 06/20/2009 - Foreign Games - 0 Replies Hi Leute kann mir jemand sagen ob sowas wie nen Walker(Lineage2)/lv bot für die chinesische Version von Digimon RPG gibt?
Need Help For Digimon Rpg 08/21/2008 - General Gaming Discussion - 0 Replies i have problem i do paroxy i need help in paroxy i do paroxy and i cant go internet or icq i havw adsl modem
Digimon RGP Reg 07/19/2006 - Foreign Games - 8 Replies http://img300.imageshack.us/img300/613/digi1uc.gif
whats this field for? Name? Doesn't accept anything D: