[registration guide] Xenepic 01/07/2013 - Foreign Games - 9 Replies http://img14.imageshack.us/img14/205/step16cu.jpg
http://img14.imageshack.us/img14/6857/step20wb.jp g
at the next step klick only of the yellow field
posible guide for registration 9D HK 03/30/2010 - 9Dragons - 14 Replies i trying this... but im not shure if works... now im downloading client
H??ng d?n Download và ??ng ký acc CLTB Hongkong cho b?n ch?a bi?t ! - VN-Zoom Forum
translated image...
this version can use the languaje file of 9d usa
EDIT: only the first donwload option works ... idk why... but the other options not works for me
[registration guide] Archlord 09/16/2009 - Archlord - 14 Replies Archlord
Korean fantasy MMORPG in open beta. Soon to be released in English language in Q3 of 2006 by CodeMasters.
Archlord Links:
Official Korean Website
CodeMaster's Website (International Version)
Review: Archlord to Dominate North America
GameSpy: Archlord Preview
Guide Registration on my-sro :D 02/04/2009 - SRO Private Server - 6 Replies YouTube - Nova Maneira de Cria acc No My-SRO by: TheB3sT
Video by : Lucas
orkut -
this video tutorial in Portuguese sorry >.<
[registration guide] ECO 01/03/2007 - Foreign Games - 4 Replies http://www.econline.jp/
registration link
guide by xephon: