WTT Aeria TS2 ITEMS FOR TS2 MAYN ITEMS/MONEY/PETS 04/15/2010 - Trading - 0 Replies Selling 50,856%
Selling M17R Critical Cape 90% CS1
Selling M20R Ring 90% CS10
Selling M33R Robe 90% CS12 TOL
Selling M33R Blade 90% CS12 FB
Selling M33R Gloves 90% CS12 TOD
Selling 10x P+C L
1.5K CP
WTT CoD WAR Key For TS2 Money/AP/ITEMS 03/14/2010 - Trading - 0 Replies CALL OF DUTY WORLD AT WAR Key, I don't play It anymore so I want TS2 money or ap or good pets/itesm
S/T> items on Eternity server for money/items on UglyDuckling 05/18/2008 - Conquer Online 2 Trading - 0 Replies I have some chars on Eternity that I stopped using (in fact that I deleted lot of time ago, after getting couple of them redname out of boredom), that I recently tried -succesfully- to restore. One of the redname (who lost a super+3 lvl70 tro armor because of redname before getting deleted) has been sent to jail now due to new regulations, but still has a super+2 lvl 75 1 sok sword and a sup+2 lvl75 hammer, plus a super+3 coro and possibily something else, then I should have a redname warrior...
WTT Flyff items/money - for 2Moons items/money 11/21/2007 - Dekaron Trading - 0 Replies Hi got in flyff following things to trade für 2Moons items/money:
100.000.000 Money
20 Upcut Stones
25 Scrolls of Blessing
95 Scroll of Sprotect
Items/Money 08/14/2006 - Conquer Online 2 - 5 Replies Hello all im new here and to all of this moding and what not so excuss my ingnorance BUT. I have been looking around forums for ways of bettering my self in money or items for CO.2. So far, that topic seems pretty impossible enlees you can hack a GM or the actual Server and all of that(read some where).
Im here to ask if anyone can shine some light on this topic. Casue I last heard it is possible to have Monster/Npc's..ect show up as or decorated in a way to notify the player that...