OGame Prime Speed ogame pvp COSMOS ONLİNE COSMOS 01/10/2019 - Browsergames - 1 Replies Start the game speed ogame
Tips for beginners
We first need to establish secure resources for the planet, in other words build some mines of metal, crystal and deuterium. Crystal and metal mines is desirable to develop simultaneously, so take care that their level are around the same. Deuterium synthesizer course also advisable to keep on par with other mines, but if the price you do not allow, then keep it 5 levels below.
Immediately build a research laboratory for the study of basic...
WTT ELE LV 65 ON BRUMHART AND ELE LV 56 ON EVENGARDA. 12/10/2007 - Archlord - 0 Replies Trade elementalist lv 65 on Brumhart: Again some Human Archer, Human Knight, Orc Sorcerer or Orc Berseker. Only GAIAHON
Around lv 60 +-. *Dont need any stuff. *If you have other kind of char send me a pm too.:)
Trade elementalist lv 56 on evengarda: Again some Human Archer or Human knight. Only BRUMHART
Around lv 50-52. *dont need any stuff. If you have other kind of char send me a pm too:)