Seeling my Jester account 140 / 120-M
(Totemia already choosen)
Accs :
- Vigor rings +20 (x2)
- Sentinell Rings +19 (x2)
- Demol earrings +19 (x2)
- Gore Necklace +19 (x1)
PVP SET +10/28 ATK
(STR +4/+4/+3/+3)
28% HP Suit (STA+3)
Obsi Yoyo +10 - HoP +12% - STA +60
Obsi Yoyo +10 - Hop +10% - STR + 46
FWC Golden Yoyo +10/10 - Vital Stab +9 % - STR +33
FWC Set + 10 All Stats +3
10% speed set (F)
On same account second Jester is ready to put PVP Suit + Second Obsi Yoyo on it to go to Totemia.