WTT FlyFF Lawolf Account ! 03/06/2011 - Flyff Trading - 2 Replies Lvl 61 Full dex jester, nothing much on it though.
Lvl 61 Str based Blade, 2 daytra axe and 2 taytra sword, mighteer, strentex2.
And green armour on it.
And a lvl 4x FS assist which I don't have anything much on it.
have 20+m of penya. Not that bad account in my opinion. = x
Would like to trade for a 2Moon account, just give me what you think it's worth.
Oldschool Flyff ---> Lawolf 05/26/2010 - Flyff Trading - 0 Replies Trading all this for money/Stuff in Lawolf
(Oldschool Flyff)
Billst set +10 Mp + 1.7k
Helm : Mp + 400
Suit : Mp + 400 28% Mp
Gaunt : MP + 450
Boots Mp + 450
S>Flyff[Lawolf] Account Lv.113RM/13B Penya 02/16/2009 - Flyff Trading - 7 Replies ''PRIVATVERKAUF''
Hey folks,
i want to quit Flyff, bcz i don't got much time to play.
I'm selling a Lv. 113 Ringmaster.
The account got 3,5B Money 400Spros a Remingster+10 (c/o 5b) and some CS/rings/demols/etc. !!That's like 13B Penya!!
!!Just offer!! It's also possible to take the Money
Verkaufe Flyff ACCOUNT (nur Penya) 03/02/2008 - Flyff Trading - 1 Replies Hi,
ich verkaufe mein Merce lvl 51 und meine Magican lvl 32
zocke dflyff also auf einen Deutschen Server meine Skils und Stats sind:
Merce: STR:55